
I like playing on my phone too.... but sometimes, it pays to put your phone in your pocket for a minute and interact with the world around you (just like we did back in the stone age before we had portable cellular telephones)

If the best the Democrats can do is ad hominem and schoolyard insults.... they’re in trouble

If your politics lead you to a place where you’re cheering for a career criminal opening fire on his community and shooting six cops in the process - you need to reevaluate

If your beef with Donald Trump begins and ends with the fact that he’s a fat guy ….just have a seat

The day you realize that you don’t have to “clean your plate” - you can leave food behind, or even toss it out if you don’t want it - is so liberating.

People who didn’t grow up poor have no idea 

“....respect for the work of sex work or a belief in the value of it.”

Except not really

Um, actually, speaking as somebody who’s a whole lot more likely to be targeted by these terrorists than Mr Mirkinson, I’m actually good with the police “target(ing) white nationalists with the same zeal that they have targeted radical Islamic terrorists,”

yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, “car cereal state” and all that

Well...if anybody was qualified to be the President of Feces, it would be him

Ford had to concede the 8 hour day and the five day week because the Industrial Workers of the World and the American Federation of Labor’s Metal Trades Council were both trying to organize his employees during World War I.

There was also a broader wave of union organizing and strikes in industry in general and the

What unions were you in?

I’ve been in several unions, and it worked out pretty well for me.

I got a 100% free vocational education thanks to the Carpenters Union, for one thing (no college debt for me) and they also had awesome medical coverage, paid for 100% by the contractors, and I’m going to get a pension one day

You do know that writers in the US have had unions since the 1930s, right?

Obviously, they feel they need representation, and have felt that way for a LONG time

It actually works pretty well.

That’s literally what I did for lunch today

Watch out.... he might come for you and “ASSERT HIS DOMINANCE”

“long live shit”?

We also need unions that are far more aggressive, who will shut down union busters like this guy with primary strikes and secondary boycotts - pretty much every victory workers ever won was achieved by the workers own self activity, and by active solidarity by other workers.

“Active solidarity” as in, not only do his

Except you don’t see the CEOs of those companies screeching on Twitter about how ‘I’M GOING TO ASSERT MY DOMINANCE AND CRUSH YOUR UNION”

They hire consultants and labor lawyers, who write carefully worded anti union propaganda that will pass muster with the NLRB. 

What more could you expect from the president of stool?

Be that as it may, I still have zero interest in leftovers

Never seen one of those in NYC