So...why exactly are we supposed to be sympathetic to some rich asshole that started a street fight in another country?
So...why exactly are we supposed to be sympathetic to some rich asshole that started a street fight in another country?
Yeah, I was about to say the same thing
Actually (and I say this as a former poor person) money is precisely what solves poverty
Also the moon launch was a jingoistic waste of money
It would have been far more useful scientifically to just send an unmanned probe with instruments up there - they just sent two guys up as a Cold War publicity stunt, at…
Except not really
He was against the Vietnam war too
Also the Iraq war
And the Afghanistan war
Look it up
People can oppose more than one bad thing at a time
IQ tests are notoriously class and race biased and are not an accurate measure of intelligence
Also, when people see public funds wasted on a space publicity stunt when those monies could be far better used on Earth to help the poor, it’s actually very intelligent for them to oppose that program.
As opposed to a society that put private profit above any and all human and environmental concerns
Also, Stepan Bandera and Reinhardt Heydrich are laughing in hell at your “chekist thugs” reference....that’s some old school anti communism, bro!
I’m sure that all the kids who went hungry to put two test pilots on the moon would heartily agree with you on that
Sending a man to the moon was great....for the shareholders of the Grumman Corporation.
As for the rest of us..... not so much
I’m actually very comfortable with criminals being belittled and held up for public ridicule - it’s a very strong motivational tool, and might make quite a few of those antisocial assholes change their behavior.
Your touching concern for the hurt feelings of criminals is absolutely is your sneering contempt for the hard working civil servants who put their bodies in harm’s way to keep you safe.
You have very good priorities and a well balanced moral code.
I’d say it was the fame
They were all test pilots...they got to see cool shit that other’s don’t get to see long before Apollo 11
Why do they call it “mid engine” when the engine is at the back?
“...and other amenities like adjacent outdoor spaces for the bathroom”
How about NO?
NO, not that fancy hipster mayonnaise either
Mayonnaise on French fries is an abomination; a violation of the laws of God, man, and the State of New York
I actually live here, and like most people who live here, I buy breakfast on the way to work every morning from one of our delis
On a typical morning, I’ll have a sausage and egg on a roll and a Snapple iced tea - that sets me back around $8 bucks - I don’t do a grilled cheese, but it would be priced in the same price…
The breathtaking stupidity of a lot of petty criminals is often quite unintentionally hilarious
Also lots of first responders have the kind of gallows humor that comes from seeing people on the worst day of their lives every day - if they didn’t laugh they’d cry. see these brawling assholes as innocent victims of the “PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX”?
From what I understand, here in NYC baloney and cheese sandwiches are common bullpen fare - that’s one piece of baloney, one precut slice of cheese food product and two pieces of white bread.
Once you get to Riker’s Island, there’s a bit more variety - in particular the legendary Riker’s Beefaroni, infamous for it’s…