Greg M

Wait Felix coached her on it in like episode 4 of the series.

Never mind. I guess it was just movies only, not TV.

I did too. I didn't like the thought of Racism being involved with a show like this, but I can't help but think about it when Ayla wins and was still not interviewed. I wonder if she's just shy and introverted and to make her comfortable they aren't interviewing her that much. Maybe we can spin it as a way of she

And got Sarah released from the Cops in the first season finale. Seriously, this show isn't that hard to follow, if you're paying attention.

That's a pretty good description of what is happening. I've been seeing all these comments about the disjointedness and I was starting to feel like I was in a minority of knowing what is going on. Other than Paul and Delphine this last episode, I've been able to follow this story pretty well. Yeah, it could use

I still think there should have been a Silent Clock last week. The show kind of tipped it's hand for this week's episode but just imagine a Silent Clock and then everyone thinks Heller's dead. We see the twist and I think the scene could have been even more poignant.

That last few episodes did a great job with this, establishing that yeah, Sarah has a full fledged family now. That's great character development and that's why the Dance Party was earned and not just fan-service. For that one brief moment, it was the family reunion of all family reunions and Sarah realizes she

Thanks for the clear up. I still find him to be a confusing character, but now, not as much.

Ok, but what about the dream sequence? That had a little bit of a Harry Potter vibe to it, like it wasn't time for Cosima to go yet.

I didn't understand Paul this season at all. It almost felt like an episode featuring Paul was missing because how the heck did he get back into the military? Last we saw him was talking to Mrs. S at Duncan's house. This was probably a problem because Bruce was only in like half the episodes.

Yeah I kind of figured that. I was thinking in terms of psycedelic as something that would sound much better if you were high. Dissonant noise is probably a better definition for it.

Just a friendly piece of advice, it's Cosima, not Colima. :)

Agreed about Scott. He started out as a minor character, kind of playing on the male stereotype towards attractive girls, but he has grown so much this year. One of the more underrated characters on the show.

Great episode but I think it would have been better if the episode was like 90 minutes to two hours. There just felt like so much to cover and they had to keep things to 45 minutes that some of the stories felt a tad rushed. For example, I really wanted to see more of Rachel with Kira, especially considering what

I think it's Space.

Ok. Never saw Freaks and Geeks.

I'm glad it doesn't play it safe either. If it did, I don't think I would like it as much as I do.

The tail thing was something I didn't like, and I'm actually glad they have gotten away from the Neolutionists gang part.

I just started posting here on a regular basis so I'm still learning the personalities of the staff. ;)

Ryan Murphy came across as a bit of a douchebag during that speech. I'm surprised the critics gave him this award, mainly because haven't a lot of his series started to suck after the initial few seasons? I know glee has, and I still watch Glee.