Greg M

I can't wait till this Finale. I haven't looked forward to a season finale of a show like I have with Orphan Black in a long long time, if ever. This season has been great, and I already know I'm probably going to buy these two seasons now. It really is my favorite show on TV and I hope the finale lives up to

I've loved this season and don't understand the disjointed argument. For a 10 episode season, a lot of stuff has happened and we got so much backstory on every single clone. That's great character development and I've gotten so attached to these characters that I am eagerly anticipating the finale tomorrow night.

The only reason I'm watching Glee is because I've seen 5 seasons of it and the final season is coming up. My point though is the reviews come across more of hate watching than actually reviewing the show on it's own terms though. For example, I didn't find the Shooting Star episode to be a complete failure, yet

I'm so glad this episode got an A- at least. When I saw the B+ my first reaction was "does this reviewer still like this show"? I mean the episode she reviewed before she took the week off started saying that the previously ons were too long, than last week she ripped the episode (I liked it, and I liked Tony), and

I barely remember that, but I remember groaning when it happened, so yeah, we can all be grateful. It's just that with this show, it feels like the most repetitive show on TV.

Is there something in the 24 manifesto that says there has to be a mole every season. I almost get a wash rinse repeat when it comes to this show, much more than any other show I see. I think we've had all the 24 Troupes already, with Navarro being outed as a Mole being the last one. It's really interesting how

This was a show I watched just cause, and I did like it but this finale made me really look forward to season 2. Loved the Dick calculus joke, and while it could have, that scene didn't go on for as long as it seemed. I do hope Richard get's some confidence in the next season because in these 8 episodes, he barely

Well, I wasn't expecting that. Considering the events of the previous episodes, the last thing I expected was a comedy show, but then we did get on in the first season so maybe this was needed here, before the Show got way too serious. I still enjoyed it, but it might be my least favorite episode of the season,

That was my first thought watching that scene. I was like, hey, they are doing a nod to Doctor Who, unintentionally. It was cute.

I missed Alison this week. Glad she's back next week but I'm not entirely looking forward to seeing Vic again. Of course with this show, that could very much change for the better.

While I think I liked last week's episode better, a decent episode of Orphan Black is like 5 time better than anything else I watched on TV this week. This episode felt kind of like a breather after the intensity of the previous few weeks, kind of saying we're at the halfway point of the season, here is where we are

I didn't like this episode at all, much like the rest of the season (Which seemed to go on forever). It seems like these characters are spoiled brats, always getting and achieving everything they can with no sense of challenge or failure. The successes they make should be worth it, and the only way it's worth