
That ad is only relevant if you live in Australia. For us over at the States, this data point doesn’t help us.

Um, you do know that this era and model of car has three modes? Rust, Bondo, and “back to earth”. Which one did you expect?

The thing is, he would have had damage to his bike, medical bills, and pain and suffering even if the sandbag was NOT there, so how does one figure out the cost difference if the track IS determined liable. Is there a formula?

But hey, lawyers gotta eat.

They went cheap on the Photoshop specialist. Interior Photoshopping is much harder.

Personally, I’d wonder how many of those non-miles were spent idling by the side of the road. How much wear does a warm engine take from idling? (I honestly don’t know.)

Quit raggin’ on him!

Yes, but Alltracks are known to attach an invisible hose to your wallet and suck like a Hoover vacuum. I love the Alltrack, but I probably won’t get one.

As long as enough people buy it for them to be available on the used market.

I thought most hockey players at this level could accomplish puck handling in the air. It’s just rare to find an in-game situation where it can be applied. I’ve seen more than a few college games with situations like this.

If this goes like the KMart bankruptcy, they can sell their stores, shed their debt (and employees), and purchase another business, where they can impose their shitty business practices and ruin that buisiness as well. Capitalism is broken in America.

I was in our local store less than 2 weeks ago, and the Lego was the exception, with labels declaring they weren’t discounted yet. My family was in there last night and said it’s completely cleared out of Lego. I guess you need to be “in the know” to grab that bargain. Must’ve happened last weekend.

The problem I see with this technology is, like the fire truck collision, they can’t easily evaluate which items on the side of the road are hazards, and which are just junk or parked vehicles. If the car did see the pedestrian in the median, it might not be smart enough to determine that this “object” has a greater

Maybe they’ve had a smooth shift knob their whole life, and just didn’t think to check their tatoo artist. Or they were too drunk to not default to ‘normal’ number sequencing.

Also remember that Consumer Reports uses self-reported data from car owners. It’s possible that auto customers report this data differently, due to personality differences. For example: Luxury products won’t usually make this list, because more luxury purchasers will fuss over every loose rattle and squeak. Toyota

I remember when the Prius came out in ‘99, and people were yelling about how the batteries would die after five years and leave you with a glorified doorstop! Oh how times have changed.

That’s another reason not to get the small stuff fixed. I’m brutally honest when I sell things, and if I find out something ugly, I’ll be sharing that info. Granted, I sold a car with a fixed window lift, but left the engine light that comes on when you start the car below 30 degrees Farenheit. We all have our quirks.

So a ducktail spoiler on a 911 is a hazard to pedestrians, but these are not? What about hazard to my car door in the parking lot? What about trying to walk PAST your car in the parking lot? No, this is just a dumb idea outside of your personal image.

When I drove my Gen1 and Gen2 Taurus SHOs, I was always shifting out of 5th gear, pausing, and then shifting back, since there was no where else to go. I’ve wanted a 6 speed manual ever since I knew they existed on ‘affordable’ cars. Just haven’t managed to buy one, yet. (Family needs can get in the way of these

When my vehicles depreciated to ~$3k or less, I stopped chasing those $200-$500 repairs. You have to stop at some point.