
Do the rules stipulate that dogs are not allowed as extra personnel? Time to check the rule book.....

The lobbyists always win.

That is just Michael Douglass version of a humble-brag. Although scientists are lining up to study his claim. 

Wow! Just watched the video, and this guy is a surgeon with the basketball! Fantastic vision, as well! Maybe I need to watch the Nuggets play some ball this year.

It looks to me like the cushions would be quite simple to replace, and those stains are probably from eating at the removable table. What other phobias do you have?

Your point is well made, assuming the Electoral College is not involved. They dont care about single votes, or hundreds of thousands.

Congrats! Youre lucky-enough to hit the top 3% lifetime salary track! Just dont go on thinking that everyone making less than you are lazy turds. If it was easy as you indicate, youd be part of the new middle class. Hint: Its not.

What industry are you in, where you can get 20% promotions? That’s executive and megachurch pastor type compensation!

Seeing how fast our cost of living is going up, you still lost. (I cant say “inflation” anymore, since the politicians neutered the term to neglect the cost of some things we actually need to survive.)

Or, when the car is totaled” by the damaged safety nannies in a crash, making the car worth nothing while the purchaser keeps paying.

And if you move after such layoffs, youll lose your shirt, pants, and shoes on the decreased value of your home. I saw it happen in my town, and it wasnt pretty. You make a lateral move, and lose $100,000 value on your residence.

This thing is all kinds of awesome! That CRT TV monitor in the back is almost as big as my neighbor’s smart phone! I’m not sure of its value, but I really want someone to buy this thing and host LA celebrity home tours with it!

Don’t forget, those 2016 numbers came with the 49ers. Anyone’s stats with the 49ers need to be graded on a curve.

Im sure your bed felt fine, but after 24 hours, you probably would have been happy on a hard wood floor, until you woke up.

Shoot! That blue curb probably saved that other car from a full-on T-bone crash! She was definitely well out of control at that point. Thanks for sharing that much more useful video than what the article has.

I try not to penalize the car for the owner, but there is not ONE decently lit image of the exterior of this car. AND the owner tagged it as “manual when its an automatic. I HATE THAT! CP the owner. The verdict on the car is still out.

Go fast!       Twice!”

Ben is still in the restroom with his ‘date.

Is there any proof that loud pipes save lives? I believe that the people who are going to hit you aren’t going to be alerted by noise until they’re already on top of you. I’ve never ridden though, so i could be subject to my own anecdotal evidence. As one who does bicycle to work, I do sympathize.

No, its a normal road with one lane in each direction (no left turn lane), but takes a lot of traffic for being as small as it is. You wouldnt expect it if you were shopping for a house from out of town.