
Remember, England has close ties with India. Their computer builds & development might all be outsourced to there.

That’s evidence that you don’t gawk at guys with their top down, but what about the car?

$200 dollar difference on a $3K car would put this one in Nice Price range. (Unless you think a NP is an exact number.) Except you’re making a dissimilar comparison, so .....I don’t think your post is evidence one way or the other. 

Sometimes I want it cold or warm, but I often just want airflow without wind noise from an open window.

Too bad you have a license plate up there, though. I’ve never seen the hooded headlights on a Fiat. Are those period features?

I thought the definition of ‘cheating’ was intentionally breaking rules (written or unwritten) to gain a competitive edge. The definition says nothing about the way the cheating is enforced, with penalties or otherwise. Now if an intentional penalty becomes part of the game strategy, such as intentional fouls, then

Most animals will eat standing upright to watch for predators or competitors, not for the luxury of eating and walking. Have you seen any animal besides humans eat while moving, unless avoiding having someone threatening to take food away? (Even then, animals will run away, and then stop to eat.)

Took me years to even drink in a car unless it was a long (4+ hour) car trip. Even then, it was cold drinks only, in my chosen containers, only drunk along empty straightaways.

“I’m pretty sure something may be living back there now”

It’s shocking how many people leave food wrappers in their car, sometimes with unfinished food.

I caught a former girlfriend reading her mail while we caravaned to work. I married someone else. I’m not gonna worry every day about you putting your head through the windshield (or airbag) because you can’t put off that stupid crap until you get home!

Is there such thing as ‘wool flannel’?

That’s MUCH better. It still has black on the flying buttresses, but it does improve the profile a little. Why didn’t they just reduce the size of the buttresses?

Actually, I was referring to the black on the flying buttresses and the rocker panels. Too much black breaks up the lines and looks cheap.

If the Mondial had a monochrome exterior, and didn’t have those straked vents on the side, I think I might actually like it. Has anyone seen one with all the black crap painted to match the actual car color?

No. One is a clean design that doesn’t photograph well, and pisses off most Ferraristi. The other is a big hot mess of styling incongruity.

I’m really conflicted on this one! On the one hand, it’s a non-red, Ferrari coupe, manual trans, 2+2, in good condition with that quattrovalve engine. Excellent! On the other hand, it’s my opinion that Pininfarina could not design a nice 2+2 until the 456. (I have not seen a 400 in person, and might like it.) Yet, I’m

I think he meant the 308 GT4. Am I wrong?

Is this a joke? Because you’d have to be an IDIOT to try sleeping flat, unrestrained, in ANY moving vehicle! Does the ‘driver’ have his hands off the wheel and feet out the window, as well? (This is why we have warning stickers all over our cars.)

Leverage often causes the pelvis break first. All of this safety gear on cars, and people do dumb junk like this.