
Your tar soaked paper pipes are from the 1955-1070, and is called Orangeburg. It seems like cheap crap, but ours lasted 50 years. Unfortunately, when it fails, it fails completely. Never connecting to the sewer sounds like a cheap contractor, not the former owner. There is no clean fix for any sewar pipe. (Not that

Your sewer drain going to the main is either iron, terra cota (clay pipe), or Orangeburg (paper fiber embedded in tar). All of them will fail if a tree root takes hold. All of them have a working lifetime of 35-50 years. We had to “fix” my perfectly good Orangeburg pipe, since when it fails, it collapses like a toilet

You do realize your skull is not nearly as soft at age 6 as it is at age 2 or younger? And you actually have some leverage to keep yourself on. I see this as a “no excuse” situation.

If the kid fell off, he’s probably “that dad” who would immediately say, “You stupid shit! It’s your own fault for not hanging on!!!”

I haggled the dealer down another $500, and then I wasn’t so pissed-off when the OEM tires were shit on wet and snow, and I had to replace them within a month to get through the winter safely.

If they had large construction barrels, and then went all skinny with a gap like that (as the image implies), I can see where it ‘could’ have been an honest mistake. If there was a line, then he/she should have been patient.

I had an outpatient procedure with a ride home. The next day at work, I felt like punching people and telling them all to F**k O*f! This is not like me. A nurse called me toward the end of the day to see how it was going and I told her. She said, “Oh, that’s a common side effect of the anesthetic!”

The “subtext” is, “This road is safe when used at legal speeds.” “We are professionals who know that the extent of this crash is not normal for someone going the posted speeds on this road.” “This driver was therefore behaving recklessly, and we’re glad no one was killed. We wish we could have pulled him over and

Did his great grandfather fight for the North or the South, because he can always get pissed about that as well.

If an Andretti had one, people would rave about “tradition”, yet we fought the Italians in WWII just the same. Yep, just silly.

It doesn’t matter. Everyone is texting, anyway. This makes it easier to see your screen on a sunny day.

I hear that the price of woodies are on the rise!

If that guy we spoke with sang his name in a jingle for two minutes, you’d remember it.

You could so drift until the wheels fell off with that setup!

People also thought the F40 should have had a V12. There are good reasons to use either engine. I like the V6 idea for this particular time and place.

Only if you’re still 17. Time flies.

Actually, my kids love my Mazda5 ‘wagon/minvan’. It’s big-enough to have fun inside, but not as intimidating as our prior Windstar minivan. It depends what the kid thinks is fun, though.

Yep. I’m still trying to figure out if modern roof drop test requirements only exist due to the higher number of SUV rollovers. I want my visibility back! (No electronic nannies! I want to use my EYES!)

You can probably get that Trans Am hood from yesterday really cheap.

I hear she was a real head-turner!