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Awesome shots of the car and its owner, Anne, getting the car ready

The hybrid "NSX". Becaues I hope it would be destroyed with fire.

That makes perfect sense. It's all about status and what name is on your . So dumb...

Apps are the only reason one needs to choose iOS over Android.

Was there simply not a market for luxury cars in the markets where Acura did not exist or were they just called Hondas as well? Or is it a bit of an in-between where there wasn't a large enough market for a new brand, so they produced some luxury vehicles with a Honda badge?


Yeah doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me when Apple makes a killing on every tablet sold.

That's what I was thinking. It seems like every time you see a breakdown of the cost of components to build an Apple product, compared to the price it's sold at, Apple sells it for twice as much as it cost to build. And that doesn't even take into account the discounted price Apple pays for all the components.

You also have to take into consideration that you are assuming you know exactly where the enemy is and are therefore driving towards them. If that was the case, fly some drones in and be done with it. However, the enemy, is not always easy to find and there's no telling if they are hiding off to your

Curious as to the increase in cost of replacing worn out tires with these new tires. Seems like it would make the most sense to replace the old tires with new ones as needed which would take some time before you see that full savings of $45 million a year.

2nd gear: Is Acura only marketed in North America? Hence the rebranding of Honda NSX outside the states.

I hated on it for so long because I was too absorbed with it's bigger brother. I'm just now starting to come around to it this year. Can't get enough, especially the Superleggera.

Hopefully not, but that could be the case. If I were to start ranting occasionally against Gizmodo, would I have more or less to lose? I have no star to worry about losing but since I have no star to lose would I be one step closer to a ban-hammer?

Very good point. That's one thing I really like about Anroid, it's constantly evolving and making improvements everywhere. I tired of the my iPod touches software a long time ago. Jailbroke it with iOS 2.X, customized the crap out of it, and never felt compelled to update it again. It seems stale to me where as

I think the Lumia 800 and WP7 have met their perfect match. And with the two of them together you have a fantastic partnership of the right OS on the right phone. Sure, it doesn't have a huge screen or dual core processor, but WP7 doesn't need that to improve its experience.

No matter how you vote on the Lumia 800 vs Nexus Prime it's speculation. They are both very young products and the 800 is not yet available in the US.

When it comes to WP7, it's not about the specs of the phone that need to change. Mango runs fantastic on my Samsung Focus. It's crisp and fast and runs much quicker than NoDo. So specs aren't the issue with WP7. It needs a true flagship device and that's what the Lumia 800 is looking to become. A truly solid

You and I are definitely on the same page.

Aw shit...completely missed that when typing. Too late to edit that post.

Google has a flagship Android phone out each year. It is expected and always good. However, this year it seems to be less than mind blowing like the previous ones due to all the amazing competition that churns out a new power house every other week. It's a great phone for sure, but I don't feel like it is a game