
Except that Trump under-performed Romney and McCain by quite a lot, and Hillary got insanely few votes even from white communities that she easily held previously. Er, wait, are we saying middle class white votes are now being suppressed? And this is all of course assuming that her dismal performance among black

They would probably still need to be found negligent - I’m not a US lawyer, but here there would still need to be a level of negligence high enough to find them liable. If a protester is the one putting themselves in danger, then the probability of the driver being held liable is fairly low (again, assuming they

Better have your flame shields raised. Around here, protesters are sacrosanct as long as they are protesting in favor of Liberal things.

It is even deeper. He is advocating for their murder.

My advise to all protesters is, do not block highways. It is illegal and potentially deadly to you and to others.

Quit being so dramatic. Your life won’t be different in 4 years except that you’ll probably still be employed doing a job that sounds more like fun than actual work to most people writing for a blog that will manufacture enough controversy to stay afloat. Liberals always have grand predictions for the future and

I am still upset. This is a band that Paul Westerberg, FFS, wrote a song for. They’re super guys who are legit. AND while I’m at it, if you have to listen to pop radio, you could do much worse than “Iris,” or “Name.”

Not even. The Goo Goo Dolls were a punk-ish Replacements-style outfit turned straight up lite rock that your mom listens to when she fills the hot tub, lights the candles and breaks out the toolbox of dildos. There’s not a single song in their discography that one would honestly call “post-grunge.” They’re not even a

Stealing Power, Staff, Cameras, Coming and Going?

I also forgot one other small point I wanted to tack on. If you are a union employee who is really good at your job, you will never be compensated at an appropriate level. I don’t think this will be argued, but I’m probably wrong.

It’s a very obvious fact, though I may not have been very clear in what I meant. Please see my reply to CryptRocket for what I was trying to get at. Sorry, saw his reply first even though my response to you.

I’m not going to worry about the citation, I’ll trust you.

The difference with Amazon and other old school retailers is that the last generation of retailers were very slow in terms of implementing technology. Amazon has no problems increasing automation to break unions at their warehouses. They bought out Kiva just for their robots to use in their warehouses to gather

Which is odd, because unions have never had any notable success with skilled labor. The exceptions prove the rule: SAG, the NFLPA, the writers guild and whatever union represents gawker writers all together account for what - about as many workers as a carpenter’s local in mid sized city (only slightly exaggerating).

Not to mention, they’ll be first in line to be replaced by robots (followed by their programming cohorts by AI).

It’s hard to get excited about unions when unions have consistently shown to be greedy, corrupt organizations themselves, whose primary interest is self-perpetuation.

because the unions know better than those stupid little employees so it’s only fair that the union comes in and takes a cut of their paycheck to “take care of them”

Except, when they don’t. I worked for Jewel and their union was fucking awful, useless and corrupt. In fact, I never came across a union that didn’t involve skilled labor to be worth a fucking shit. They take more money from you and you don’t get any real representation or benefits, just doing full-time work for

Would it really make much of a difference if most or all of those jobs will be automated within a generation? Unionization will increase costs and accelerate the drive towards eliminating payroll. I don’t disagree with your point. Just wonder how this will look in the future.

‘The peak of American union power coincided with the golden age of American manufacturing. As manufacturing jobs left, millions of workers moved into lower-paid service jobs.’