
Trump bragged about women allowing him to touch them. He is gross, but not guilty of sexual assault.

She means white people aren’t having as many kids as the other groups.

In his defense, a lot of people have the wrong idea about who built the pyramids.

Trump did not call Taiwan.

Suddenly? Do you mean “Six years ago”?

If people 5 kids and remain poor, is is the job of the government to bail them out with tax dollars taken from people who can afford their 2 kids?

All the cigarettes they can smoke and all the soda they can drink.

The people getting up in arms about this are the same people who said Trump would drop out, and the same people who told you that Trump had no chance on election night.

Merkal has done so much to ruin Germany. Visit Wuppertal sometime.

I don’t think there is enough data here. What is the average number of these incidents reported per 10 days? The average number of these incidents reported over the same period last year? The number of these incidents that turned out to be fake? The number of swastikas drawn by protesters? I think it is likely was an

Get a load of this homophobic guy.

I used to like spinning the other guy at the narrowest part of the track.

Trump is already creating jobs openings.

Thank you.

Pretty funny.

Thank you. As much as everyone seems to love Biden now, he was wrong on this.

Trump did not call Mexicans rapists. He said the Mexican government was purposefully sending criminals across the boarder so they didn’t have to deal with them anymore. Cuba did this in the 70's and 80's. Trump did not call veterans weak. He said that some veterans could not handle PTSD and need help. Since some

Dear Kristin, your daughter will be fine.

A lot of people here have fallen deep into this trap: