
So, I’m Gwen Snyder, the woman in the article. It was a pretty awful experience and my biggest hope is to use it to make some sort of positive change at the DNC and at the Doubletree, which refused to help me. I do have a couple asks if folks want to take action:

Came here to say this. Venmo is just the vehicle, the thieves already have the bank account details needed to set up their own venom accounts.

This sounds more like someone getting a hold of someone’s bank details and using Venmo as a vehicle to get the money out of the account than Venmo being willfully malicious.

No! I fell for that myself, heh. One of the best Internet frauds of all time, except we’re all too ashamed now to admit we fell for it.

She’s back to youtube this year apparently.

That was my first thought. This has to be some kind of marketing thing, for a movie or something.

Good luck with the submission! I was too intimidated to apply - that application was crazy. But, that’s on me.

He says it as though those who make an effort to have diverse staff are just popping out on the street and offering the job to the first Latina they see.

But I think it might be insulting to the person submitting to me if I hired them for that reason.

Sweeping statement of opinion with no example or citation... “facts.” lol

She is not the most viable, she is literally the most unfavourable Democratic candidate in modern history. If facts are hell for you, there you go.

Her hobbies are giving millions worth of speeches to Plutocrat, starting wars without a plan after the destruction, and vacationing with the Bush family.

So if she’s disliked simply because she’s a woman, then how can you have any honest discussion about the numerous reasons she shouldn’t be President? At the end of the day, you can dismiss all arguments as “Well of course they’d say that, she’s a woman”. It can’t possibly be because of her handling of this email

Exactly. I’m a woman about to be stripped of my vagina for not getting in line behind war and Neoliberal policies.

I think underestimating Clinton’s unpopularity, for whatever reason you subscribe it to, will leave us with a President Trump.

psssst. don’t tell them about Michael Jackson.

The talk show is a separate project debuting in May.