
People who complain that social media “makes” them do or not do anything are cowards. You’re allowed to think and say whatever you want, and other people are allowed to disagree with you. If you can’t handle people disagreeing with you, don’t engage in the conversation, or better yet grow up and get over yourself.

Whenever I see an extremely powerful, wealthy institution complain about being held accountable, or being made to feel “attacked” by students pushing for reforms, all I can do to cheer myself up is read Chomsky:

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion,

The hotel wouldn’t even step in!? That is so gross! Well, now I have a good reason to never stay at a DoubleTree.

I do the awkward side-hug when caught off guard by a request. But I agree I have a very specific inner circle of friends whom I will hug. Then there’s the “high five” tier. Then there’s the handshake/head nod group. You earn your goddamn hugs just like everyone else, buddy!

I’m as left as they come and will be voting enthusiastically for Hillary in November, and I’m not at all trying to troll, but I can’t help but note the irony here. The Clinton legacy was built by ignoring and discounting women’s claims of sexual harassment and assault. Why would the party that had planned to nominate

Totally. But also I’d surmise that this is an incredibly dumb way to launder money out of an account. I assume Venmo would be able to tell the authorities what account the money was transferred into, and then they could knock on that person’s door. That might be why this hasn’t happened that much.

It won’t be the saaaame. Honestly, that was a great ride while it lasted. Kind of surprised no one’s done it again yet.

That or, like a lot of youtube celebrities and beauty bloggers, she’s very very pretty but lacks performance skills.

So am I the only one who’s old enough to remember LonelyGirl15?

No worries, we have a whole year to prepare for the next time!

I submitted and I’ve never been a full time staff writer on any show. I have some loose freelance credits though. I don’t know that there was anyone who didn’t get to submit who applied, but the packet itself was very intensive. I was lucky in that I had had white dude friends ask me for help with their packets for

Right. You want me to be the funny woman on your staff? You got it. I’ll start watching The Bachelor if that’s what it takes. We just want to work and get a foot in the door, for crying out loud. And that first job is the hardest, especially when you aren’t part of the East Coast Ivy League White Dude club.

He had a blind submission open call last month, and it’ll be nice if anything interesting comes of that, but I’m not naive enough to think it will. The thing about open calls is everyone in the industry knows that Stephen Colbert is not reading the hundreds of packets that come through. And we know that the “we should

Isn’t Ailes the dude who refused to defend *her* and basically sold her down the river to maintain ties with Trump when he was in the midst of harassing her... until the very last minute? Yeah I’d say no matter what she knows or thinks she owes that dude nothing.

Thank you! Nothing has irked me more than being told I *have* to vote for Clinton. Even though I don’t like her policies. I disagree with her on the direction she wants to take us. And I dislike the things she’s done as a public servant. Nothing has made the flaws of the two-party system more evident to me than being

Who says it’s the source? I’m a woman and I dislike her for lots of reasons that have nothing to do with her gender: she was against gay marriage until it was cool, she’s used racist language to drum up support for her husband (who has been accused of rape by more than one woman), she’s lenient on the death penalty.

Hillary has done plenty outside of being a woman to earn people’s dislike. She didn’t even support gay marriage until it was popular to do so in 2013. She tolerates the death penalty. She’s used racist language to drum up votes for her welfare-gutting husband. She repeatedly tries to play up the fact that she’s a

Of course you will think she’s guilty if the thing you’re basing that opinion on is a documentary that exists solely to prove she’s guilty.

There’s a reason we don’t convict people in this country based on documentaries. Documentaries, at least in cases like this, are not un-biased sources of information. They are money-making enterprises that usually have an agenda to be entertaining by offering you knowledge they claim you can’t get elsewhere. This is

A man who was a troubled genius died, and a woman we’ve all decided is “annoying” or a “troublemaker” or a “cunt” lived. GET HER!