
Shows up at :11 seconds as well

uhh. thats not how this works. thats not how any of this works.

And the Jeep transmission problem claims yet another life.

My judgement is a little more structured:

It’s ugly as all hell.

As long as you don’t get rid of your current vehicle in the process. You might need it to get home from purchasing said Jaguar.

I think the British should stick to food

Painfully ugly. But, those axles are fucking awesome

Just imagine what a Mustang’s red key would do...

A VW high up in the mountains....a “writer”.....yeah....I’ve seen this long before the VW drives Orlove mad and his frozen body is found with fan belt in his hand?

I’m just glad I didn’t shut the trunk with the keys in it!

go for a part fuckin hell. put the driveshaft in the bed kick it in 4 hi and drive away as a fwd

“Licence and registration, please”

I believe it’s the hot air moving through cold pipes causing some condensation. There’s actually some pretty interesting chemistry involved:

“C8H18 (or 8 Carbon atoms and 18 Hydrogen atoms)

...the Challenger attempted to pass (on the right) a car traveling at reasonable speed, according to ABC 7. The car simultaneously moved to the right to get out of the Challenger’s way, but all this non-straight-line driving flustered the Challenger’s driver...

Two boyfriends and three jobs in four years? Serious commitment issues...

I feel so bad for this guy but I can't stop laughing.