The opportunist is going to make a WET Tshirt
The opportunist is going to make a WET Tshirt
Also your comment about seeing too many news reports, if the popular media posted good news articles they would be busy 24 hours a day. Reporting how teachers saved a student through 'Mandated Reporting' duties, preventing suicides, getting them to take down questionable material from the students Facebook pages, and…
The provision making it illegal to 'friend' a former student really needs to be clarified. As I read it, that means any prior student regardless of age. That is stupid. It needs to be clarified as to read any student under the age of 18. At which time the student is a legal adult and able to go to war and die for…
Depends on the size of water cannon you plan on using!
black on the inner parts and rims which wont be touched by bare skin normally, or tan. I did mention tan in the original post. The black acts like shadows. A mix of the two on the same part equals better camo than shiny metal.
Lack of response training and watching too many movies where people scream for no good reason. Honest truth. If trained to respond in an emergency the mouth stays shut and the feet and hands start moving. Also a large part is crowd based, a.k.a. lemming action.
What is with all the shiny metal, that should be powder coated dull black and tan
Thats not a look out tower, thats an AT-AT station.
That is some pea green water
They will not be completely useless... jail break the phone and then use it as a WiFi phone device
The 'Right Stuff' persona went out with the video introduction of Zephram Cochrane
Actually a good strike will affect the lives of those you provide service to. That is the point of the strike, to cause enough pain that the public calls on the company to make amends with its workers. Think sanitation workers strike, trash piles up, becomes a health risk, then things start to move.
The attribution is incorrect. Ross Parry Agency not Ross Perry Agency
It was not just the materials that were less dense... just sayin most 'modern' societal humans are pretty dense.
This may explain people with Demophobia - fear of crowds, they may start to see monsters around them.
Go for it, says the man who has worked in SCE power plants that are coal fired, oil fired, waste fired. Has worked for a wind farm. Has relatives that have worked on nukes and solar units. Has friends in all of said fields. Has asked questions directly of foremen, technicians, reps, and engineers. Studies daily from…
He should have stayed in the rig which is designed to protect the driver a lot better than jumping out without a hardhat, hitting the ground, falling down and then being hit with a building. The fool jumped.
Ah, someone is working on a sexbot I see
Coal is NOT the only viable alternative. Newest generation nuke and centralized solar reflectors are very viable and produce way more than wind with a much smaller footprint now or ever.
I was taught it is plead (p-led) but the popular press got dumbed down over the last couple of decades and somehow pleaded became popular. Guess people got confused over reading it.