Greg Krynen

Los Angeles County Fire fighters often try to save the pets. They even have special equipment just for small animal and dogs

It is not misinformation, it was my opinion/interpretation as stated.

Look a cat that is the auto run version of a laser pointer. Just let it loose in a blacklit room and the other cats chase it

"His fluorescent fur and claws—which glow green in certain lighting" and "It's caused by another gene that produces the Green Fluorescent Protein, which is naturally produced by the jellyfish Aequorea victoria."

His engrish is so bad on this one it may be a copy and paste

How about teat

Go check out the Red Line and Purple Line sometime! Lots of fast cross town action on our SoCal subways

Step one : repeal No Child Left Behind

See my latest comment.

Well aware of how our court system interprets the 2nd Amendment. Also well aware that my opinion has no effect on their judgements. That fact has little to do with this conversation that gun laws do not prevent criminals from obtaining guns if they want them.

#1 seems okay as long as she is STD free and the person I am enjoying time with

A criminal is simply defined as a person that breaks a law. By that definition just about every one is a criminal in one sense or another due to all the laws we have (most people break traffic laws and tax laws).

My point is, yeah he is going to jail now, but will get out and still be able to buy guns. More laws do not fix that issue.

Fish much? Ah I see, Kyle had it wrong originally, got here after the fix.

That's the truth, laws are like locks, they only apply to those that follow them. I think for every legal gun owner there must be at least 2 illegal gun owners out there. More than 20:1 if I listen to the popular news media and therefore we must regulate the legal gun users even more.... um yeah.

I found it amazing to see that much movement between the earth and that point far off in space. Both subjects moving at incredible speeds. But I suppose to a ground dweller that stares ones feet it would be unimpressive in and of itself. Seeing the numbers flash by in columns and 3d rendered into the spatial bodies

Nah, that is his throw away camera!

Especially since she her current hobby is trying every cheese at the Park Slope Food Coop. She should love Goats cheeses. But since her profile says she has 5 out of 40 down maybe she just has not made it to the blueberry goat cheese, or herb encrusted, or....

Shoot first, ask them about it later is one possible solution.

Could be because H-57 is looking for three new employees... Art Director, Designer and a Soldier all in the same person.