Greg Krynen

@pseudorocket: Had never thought to check pricing until your comment. Actually not that bad all things considered.

@LastVigilante: Air conditioned suits to deal with heat from tiles. No leaking fuel. That would have been seen in FLIR.

@The Lab: No leaking fuel on it, would have been seen in FLIR footage. Those are air conditioned suits due to reentry heat flowing off of tiles. Same thing as on the big bird.

They seem to mostly be low speed impacts. Here in SoCal the casualties would have been from schrapnel as most people like to do about 50 down side streets. I also noticed the majority of people stopped to help their victim, again, not so much locally here.

@franco1975 [Troll ]: That would mean you disrespect the animal even more by not using it completely. Since you did take its life for food, at least have the courtesy to use its hide for protection, decoration or as a tool.

@Msj2705: Waiting after first pour allows all granules of beans to be wetted preventing float thus better/longer seepage

@bjmckenna: looking at the picture it would output 22mW/cc not 22mW/c mm

@☆Giroro G66☆: My broother lost a thumbnail for a while that way. I preferred to hit the whole roll with a large claw hammer! What a flash!

@Norbs: And therein lies the problem - education of the public about different types of stem cells.

Hopefully not Los Angeles coastal ocean scented. Ewwwww

@AdmiralPoopinpants: Oh forgot, take the palce of a worker if they get ill or call out sick, at least until a replacement can be found.

@AdmiralPoopinpants: Job duties included: Driving around to evaluate quality of work (are they standing, are they taking breaks, are they pointing the right way, uniform appropriate, etc.), make contact with client to verify locations for spinners, document activities of self and workers. Plus make sure they have

@kmonarq7: The difference is newspapers are reporting news, usually in bits and have to get it from credible news sources. While the news may cover the same sort of information it is considered protected by an amendment to Constitution.

@Mecharine: Bad argument to my statement. My statement is in regards to Assange being guilty of treason, which he is not since he is not an American Citizen.

@Benny Profane: 'indefinite period of time' - I would say, not all that long, take a look via Google Maps/Google Earth and enjoy the wonder of cities with homes and businesses in the blast zone and tours that visit the ground zeros

@InsanePenguin: Gee copy and paste name into Google, first hit is Wikipedia, First sentence in background is about PhD. That took two seconds.

@Wolf_Hackles: perhaps use two matches tied together to dowse for the water to douse the matches?

Ass-ange could be charged with espionage as a forgein spy for attempting to bring down the United States government. Since he is not working for a government though it makes it near impossible to charge him.

@Zack Danger: Kinda funny, I was a spinner route manager for a bit and the companies we worked for told us not to do the extreme spins because it confused drivers (the audience) as to which way the product was located (houses). So simple rocking and jabbing motions combined with dancing. Eventually someone started

@Rodney Sparks: Did the Outback employees lead to the ex situation?