Greg Krynen

@Zazu_Yen: Wikipedia for the win: Because it is 35mm wide and is developed in industry-standard C-41 process chemistry, processing of currently available 126 films is readily available, as long as the photofinisher knows that it is standard, 35mm, C-41 film. Many photofinishers are not aware of this, so it is

@Zazu_Yen: That was my first camera and what got me hooked on improving my shots

@Curves: Whole heartedly agree with you! And taste buds and likes vary, so subjective of a subject.

@howdini: It was science what made it happen, the science of extremely durable boat paint that leaches chemicals into the snails eco system.

@Big_Mikey99: Just because it has been said does not make it so. The stability question has not been proven, it is theory. The creation of a singularity also is not proven, but theory. David Brin (author, scientist) also wrote on this subject, 'Earth'.

@Hello Mister Walrus: Good investigative reporting Mister Walrus. One would think that a man with that much first hand knowledge might have a clue and be listened to. However, that is not the way of humanity. 'Jackass' and 'Idiocracy' are more the norm.

@SKiTz: Spray paint or model paints for the complete customization of all things acrylic!

@Destronok: You forgot how Neptune Saturn Uranus

@C3PA: What is that beast put into?

@InspiredSimplicity: It is based on what the trend in purchasing is at the particular machine

@HoseHead: It is based on what the trend in purchasing is at the particular machine

@paradox: Hope they deploy the net before I hit ground. Too soon?

@Buzz Mega: Maybe a slight redesign to semi-seated standing, like sitting on a high siderail?

@tazm0n: long before modern pressure suits. Which would do wonders in this style of craft

@CaptainJack: Jumping straight up generates 1.5-2 gs of force and humans handle that with no problems unless heart conditions exist. 3-4 gs is equivalent or less to a standing roller coaster going through various contortions like the ones at Six Flags, lots of people stay conscious on those.

@EnochLight: From the artists standpoint... SO TRUE!

For those complaining about disc queues... the website is very functional on a phone

@tomsomething: They find them (sticks, wire, etc) In the case of wire a crow has been seen bending it to work better (not bad for a critter with no thumbs). Also they will strip twigs to make hook shapes.

@jekyoo_style: Proof of global warming? They are cold blooded after all.