Greg Krynen

@tomsomething: Crows using simple tools to get to difficult food. Their range and numbers increasing constantly. Chimpanzee tool use and advancement of tool design, they are starting to use tools to make other tools.

@FriarNurgle: I continued to read the article for one reason, it was so well written! The author of the article researched his subject, and provided some proof of the research. Sentences were complete and properly formed. Use of language was excellent drawing the reader in and then causing further thought/questions

@vein11: In the workplace they handle forms very well, also during meetings it has been discovered that clicking keys and backs of laptop monitors are palpable walls to communication, tablets also make great around the house mobile media devices so I can take my movie with me as I go. And very child friendly devices

@froggy: Sorry about that Froggy, I did not realize they had closed the beta download.

@Prostate of Grace: Reading the short article on this page, the walls of the pool are a filtration system, it is basically a filter bag with decks

@Denver: sarcasm noted, but that is what text to speech is for.

@aliskaba: Unless the child is under second grade reading level learning to read and has parents that use sign language because they are deaf or the child has been deaf since birth.

Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.

Help save the planet... dig a cave on the shore, water will fill the empty space lowering water levels caused by melting ice, plus less energy will be needed from cell towers lowering energy usage, plus the dirt can be used to make a compressed dirt wall home. Al Gore will be proud of us all!

@tenazrael: NRA would have had the grooms gun loaded with blanks

@Tenno: Yeah well they come down somewhere. I call people who shoot guns into the air, stupido!

@TickleMeFetus: This is the Netflix police, we see what you are doing there. - This is general rights use law, where you run into problems is that the film regardless of DVD or stream, is being shown in a business and businesses make money. If it were at home and you are having a party and throw it up on the wall to

@froggy: Go to Android market app on your phone, search for swype

@CaptainJack: That would defeat the 'landing out' avoidance feature, the second reason it was installed.

@peasant slayer: Do your frineds have iPhones? It works between iPhones and Androids

@You're Banned: It ticks me off that so many major companies skip the Android apps in favor of iOS. Come on AAA where is the love?!

@RoyceTech: My Droid is made of something sturdy and will not break, trust me it has been dropped, kicked, smacked, and pressured.