Green Winnebago

Game of Thrones is instant gratification? Maybe this season, I guess, but it's usually a pretty slow burn…

If she wanted to get Sam Simon to feel comfortable enough around her to let her in the writer's room, she should have just disguised herself as a snarling, violent dog! Classic mistake on her part. If only she had been a pit bull who requires $150,000 a year for therapy so she wouldn't viciously attack people, I'm

You're skipping a step. You forgot the part where they assume any liberal politician is actually just pretending to be liberal because they want to create an evil welfare state so they can make all Americans entirely reliant on the government, thus creating a state of subjugated serfs that they will exercise complete

Yeah, but then obscure indie actor Channing Tatum said he wanted to make a Gambit movie…

Yep. That's why Democrats desperately need to take the House, where all seats are up for re-election.

I read that as Dorne. Still works.

You're right, Zappa wrote Cruisin' for Burgers. But he also wrote Don't Eat the Yellow Snow, so my point stands.

And Frank Zappa wrote a song called Cheeseburgers in Paradise. Being a goofball doesn't equate to a lack of talent or skill.

Eh, plenty of traditional jobs and careers arguably don't provide a vital good or service. I'm not saying this is the best career choice, but I'm not sure he'd do more for the common good by, say, working for some amoral corporate conglomerate.

It's not a COMPLETE career dead-end, though. Being a skilled musician and presenter, while obviously not the most reliable career path, does have at least plenty of other avenues he could pursue.

Yes, but the question is: did seeing Nymeria run off make her realize she shoudl go on her own path?

Nah, GoT is their cash cow. They're racing to finish it before their actors' contracts expire.

I took it as ambiguous whether Arya would head North or South, but maybe that's just because I desperately want a Winterfell reunion.

For the most part they don't use CGI wolves, they use real dogs on a green screen.

Yeah, but not in six months.

The books are IMPECCABLE about logistics, though. It's not until you get into the really high-level stuff like farming and population size/ number of regular soldiers that they start to fall apart.

I really hope it turns out he made a deal with the Iron Bank of Braavos, because that's the only real thing that makes sense, but at this point I don't have that much faith in the writers.

The less science, the fewer people they have telling them more coal isn't necessarily a good thing.

Sure, but when most people watch that movie they fantasies about fighting against Russia, not for them.

Russia today, comrade!