Green Winnebago

He's just under 40% approval now, and hemorrhaging more every day. If things keep going like they are, he'll be at 35 in 1-2 weeks. If things don't change soon, he could be in 30% territory within the year, which would be an all-time low. Essentially, that means everyone who isn't part of the Republican base

Thank God they at least ended the show before it became creatively bankrupt!

Finally, Kat Dennings and her Kat Dennings' can do something that isn't a total waste of her talents. I wondered how Two-and-a-Half-Women stayed on the air so long.

I'm pretty sure he's also the first character in a big-budget superhero film to fuck a stuffed unicorn. Progressive!

In Britain at least, you can place bets on the outcome of certain story events in shows like Westworld or Game of Thrones. If I lived there I would have put everything I owned on a couple of characters coming back from apparent death, and I would have made some money in the process. The difference between TV and

Did those Cannibal: The Musical guys ever go on to do anything?

I think seasons 2 and 3 were better overall, but I get what you're saying. For me, it's less about realism/magic, and more that the feud between Lannisters and Starks is the heart of the show. Everything else is good too, but Starks Vs. Lannisters is the central story, and when it gets forgotten the series suffers for

Is your social circle accepting applications?

Bridesmaids and The Hangover were both "Terribly Bleh?" Good god man, what does it take to fulfill your impossibly demanding comedy needs?

That's sort of what this book was:…
A bunch of vignettes about different (mostly) minor characters just going about their lives.

White Walkers nigh-indestructible ancient evils that can bring back the dead. Wights are zombies.

Garden State was actually pretty good. Just because there's an internet backlash against something doesn't automatically mean it's terrible.

This is surprisingly decent. Maybe Heidecher should just be the next Bob Dylan.