
Seriously? I am going to make a big assumption, but anyone who knows a hitman probably doesn’t come from a very good upbringing either. And I’ve said it before upthread: abuse does not end at adulthood. Filial piety is a very important thing in Asian culture. If you haven’t lived it, you have no right to tell her to

It’s amazing how many trolls online will say, “where’s the proof that this happened?” Here is your proof. No more anonymity, all guts. I applaud them.

I hate strangers’ feet so much that one time I saw an elderly lady fall, ran over to help her up, saw her feet, and had to shamefully turn and get someone else to help her up. They were horrendous. In pantyhose and comfort sandals, with dry skin that is so thick it looks like thick plaque, and curved thick yellow

When my husband and I first started dating, we were sitting on his couch one day, and he kicked his shoes off and propped his feet on the coffee table. I couldn’t believe what was in front of me—I was totally repulsed. He had the the gnarliest, most fungus-ed out toenails I’d ever seen and seemed oblivious to them. My

Is there anything more anguish-inducing than putting on makeup and watching it literally slide off your face before you’ve even finished? It’s horrifying. Like watching yourself disintegrate in slow motion. And the faster you try to apply it, the worse it gets until you’re hysterically slapping at your face and crying

Many years ago I was pulled over for a signal light being out. I handed over my license, proof of insurance and registration and sat quietly like I was taught to do in these situations. He came back and told me to get out of the car. I asked why and he said “because I fucking said so now get out.” I was scared to

To me it’s odd that this question even ran. Isn’t it an etiquette column, basically? And his question doesn’t make sense to me in this particular context. “What are my options?” Your options are plastic surgery, extra time at the gym, or accepting that you are getting older. You are looking in the wrong place for

He is the ultimate manbaby. Crying that younger women no longer notice him. YOUNGER WOMEN. He is a married man worried about his sex appeal to random young women on the street. He sounds like a self absorbed douche.

I’d be more sympathetic if he hadn’t restricted his complaints to the attention of younger women. It seems like he’s not immune from ageism as well.

Dear Tony,

16??! Try 10.

Nobody’s attacking you over BV. But saying that “MOST women” get BV after IUD is not supported by science, and that kind of misinformation might steer someone away from an IUD who could benefit from it. There’s a world of difference between “I know this is a possible side effect because it happened to me” and “Having

Yeah, that’s when I turned it off. Totally ruined it.

Holy cow, the way they all jumped up and cheered when they said the word “Republicans.”

I got excited when they sang that they met at my alma mater, and then immediately after was disappointed to learn they’re republicans.

Why does God care if you keep your pants on or not? I mean. For real. What kind of pervert is the ultimate creator of the universe anyway? Get the fuck out of my bedroom, you dirty old man. Try finishing off Pluto, you creeper.

Maybe we as a society should stop upholding marriage as the absolute thing you must do or you are worthless slime. People would probably not marry out of desperation to be coupled with someone, ANYONE, if that were the case.

I had a great discussion about this with my college students! You can claim there are white slurs all day long, but they’re not *truly* hurtful the way they are when they’re leveled at a minority. We went through each student and asked him or her to articulate what was most important to their identity.

Humanism is rooted in the privileged male experience. When you say I’m a humanist and not a feminist, it’s because feminism has a negative connotation. You attain gender equality by advocating for the rights of the underprivileged gender, not by pretending humanism is a substitute for feminism. It’s not. It was

Yeah, this perfectly sums up my ex, he would just shut me down when I tried to talk about anything emotion. He would just say "well why is that my problem?" The only way to make him care or listen to me was if I threatened to stop helping him with all of his life stuff. BTW, we broke up after I had been involved in a