
Mine too. She did the best that she could, I guess. She was better than her mother, so that’s something. I had forgiven her, until she made a comment to my 10 year old about her weight recently. Her criticism of my weight led to an eating disorder. I think that I may be done. I'm not exposing my daughter to that


“In America you can’t even talk about whiteness,” said Drew Domalick, who lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin. “If you try to embrace being white, you are portrayed as being a racist”

I mean, this is mostly fine.

Something that really frustrated me with Hillary, and this is coming from a man, is when she was asked during the first Democratic debate how she would be different in the White House and her response was basically “Um, helloooo? *turns to crowd and gets a big whooping cheer*” and didn’t follow that up with ANYTHING.

Makes sense if you look at the arrow in her logo.

Giving the kids of billionaires like Donald Trump free college... as if those kids are going to a school that would be eligible for that kind of kick back. Please those kids are getting free college regardless.

I respect your self-respect and your commitment to another era’s standards. Sadly, you are of the past.

I was watching Battlestar Galactica on a long flight and I noticed the guy next to me couldn’t stop watching.

Can we have an open and honest discussion about plane-travel attire?

Obama was a junior Senator with a minimal record who was a lawyer from the Chicago Democratic machine. Anyone who thought he’d be anything other than what he turned out to be was delusional. Even knowing that, I still voted for him twice (breaking my long streak of protest voting for third parties) because he was

thinkpiece idea: “man who has been in congress for 20 years just doesn’t understand how congress works”

Undecided voter here who is trying hard not to get involved with internecine Democratic turf wars, but-

The concept of masculinity needs a complete overhaul. If the majority of straight men weren’t so paranoid about appearing manly enough at every moment of the day, maybe they could get over themselves and have healthy relationships as equals.

The idea that your mate doesn’t need to fulfill all your mental and emotional needs is definitely a truth women aren’t used to hearing.

I honestly don’t think I could feel safe with someone who didn’t respect my intellect. I know some men find it hot, but that’s not the same thing as someone who actually wants to know what I think about things and why. And that meeting of minds is pretty much necessary for me to be able to let down my guard with

God the resonponses you’re getting are so indicative of ... this site.

Bitch can take SEVERAL seats. “Racist to whites” isn’t a thing, because racism is prejudice PLUS institutional power, and white people are the ones with institutional power. It’s 2016, and there’s frankly no excuse for such self-indulgent ignorance. She can come back once she reads a damned book: preferably, Ta-Nehisi

And the system works, once again. Keep shitting on those below you, instead of focusing why this shit is so very expensive in the first place.

Sometimes I think people forget that just because the beauty of our humanity means one can find a way mentally to escape misery by any means necessary, is not the same as us needing to celebrate the very thing that made the misery and the escapism, a reality.