
In fact, husband and I just got back from dinner tonight here in KC. Three IT bros and one bro’s girlfriend were at a table next to us. One dude had not heard about this, so the others explained it to him. One actually used the words “it’s not like Ray Rice or anything.” They then discussed how he was too valuable to

Feeling mega-generous, so let’s trade the two touchdowns anyone in their right mind sees are touchdowns for the games the Pats won through intercepting signals from other teams. Wait - that’s too generous. Just trade for the games you won from Philly. The Jets, etc., you still owe people.

Late to the party - just reading this as linked from the current Goop summit article. Had to speak up, as this shit makes me livid. I had surgery, chemo (including the mustard-gas stuff), radiation. I’m alive. I would not be alive now without that. I have friends with AIDS who are living relatively normal lives

This guy said that Pederson was the least qualified person ever to be made a head coach and was going to be a total failure. Seeing this insightful analysis here confirms that Lombardi is a major sports genius.

Is the intern a student intern? In that case, there should be someone at the school or other sponsoring organization who advises internships or this person specifically. That’s a possible route to help get an intern on the right track rather than canning the person.

No, they don’t care about what you want. The definitely care - about increasing their user base (which has been kind of stagnant) and monetizing anything they can. I guarantee somewhere there’s an algorithm portion checking whether you read “top” news or click for “most recent” to adjust for promoted story placement,

Comments here from an old. I hope there’s some wisdom with age :)

Tech can be terrible. I’ve had bad bosses, but my husband had the real winners. One guy was a former small-town southern sheriff who fit that stereotype completely. He managed through verbal abuse, physical intimidation and waving a gun around (he kept a gun in his desk). One day after he reduced a woman to tears

Oak itch mites? In parts of the U.S. and Europe, it’s the time of year for oak itch mites, which are microscopic (so you can’t see or avoid them) and fall from oak trees. No reaction at all at first, but a couple hours later, a red bite develops that itches like crazy off and on. They’ve become a big problem in some

When my mom died, she was unable to speak or wake after a major heart attack. To pass the time when I’d stay with her during visiting hours, I would read aloud from books I know she’d enjoy (mysteries and comedies) and hold or stroke her hand periodically, or at least sit near her with my arm touching. The nurses all

ASL is complex - wrong word there with “involved.” That’s what I get for having a cat trying to climb up my arm and not knowing how to edit posts.

My husband isn’t where he can post, so he asked me to send this along. He and several of our friends were play testers at SPI. He’s played Campaign for North Africa three times (as did the other testers). The expectation wasn’t that people were going to “finish” the game, but that it gets to the point where you know

The last time the Steelers were in the Super Bowl, the local team, in the same division, had lost their playoff game. On the Friday before the Super Bowl, work email included a company-wide email “Let’s Go Steelers” with rah-rah crap about how this bestest team ever was going to win to continue their dominant legacy

I’ve been through surgery, radiation, and aggressive chemo. If I’d not gotten treatment, I would have been dead a couple of years ago; the cancer I had (well, have, since I’m considered in remission) was super aggressive. I can’t tell you the number of people who told me I should check out this alternative treatment

Instructors use those because they have to, but those don’t always catch plagiarism. On the other hand, I’ve worked at a place where one assignment was a draft and another the final version, yet both had to be submitted separately to the plagiarism checker. Needless to say, the second paper came back as too close to

As an Eagles fan, I am delighted by the Santa hatred I see in some of these.

Because they’re owned by Univision, who, I’m sure, has rights to legally show and use the Spanish broadcast. Maybe you’ve noticed how difficult the NFL makes using a clip of their games? If the site’s owners have already paid for legal use of Spanish versions of the games, who in their right mind would either pay or

Ginger (RIP at age 14) and Sasha, The Evil One.

Grew up in Philadelphia and now live in Kansas City. After so many years of Andy’s belching up like a spoiled hoagie, I almost didn’t have the energy to post. Yeah, more bad clock management. More incomprehensible play calling. More lost challenges after he finally gets his flippers to hoist the challenge flag.

So wrong when people don’t think of their pets — that they sought, brought home, and made a part of their family — as living creatures that are as worthwhile as any other. When my husband and I moved into our house, it came with two dogs. The people we bought the house from gave the old going to an apartment, can’t