
Every one of those people have managers.
Back in aerospace, even my group of 200 ppl had other lower managers as team leaders.
During those layoffs, the team leaders would take members of their own team slated for layoff, and do it personally. It would go from 8am to 11am.
It was shitty, but it was at least done face

I want an electric vehicle. As was described in an earlier article published here, I’m one of those people that won’t give Apartheid nepo-baby Elon a penny. I think buying a US made PHEV is the best option now and I have been shopping for one. This is because of the Biden tax breaks and because the charging

No soup for you !!!

IMO it does not make sense to buy an EV if you are planning to rely on a charging network for anything outside of the occasional longer trip. If it is your commuter car, you’d better have a 40Amp+ charger in your garage or dedicated parking space. Anything else and you’re better off with a PHEV, HEV, or just regular

My wife and I went to the Carlsbad Outlet Mall 2 Saturdays ago and we got there right as t Mall opened at 10am. There is a very large Tesla Super Charger and another non-tesla charging station.

Just because it all dropped at once, doesn’t mean you HAVE to binge it, it just means the folks that want to can. If you don’t want to, don’t. People just want to watch how they want, the vast majority could give less than a single shit if there’s a cultural conversation about it and whether that conversation is hurt

I want to go in my sleep like my grandfather did. Not like the rest of the people in the bus he was driving 

Just terrible. My father died the same way

Don’t really care about any of this, just want to say that John Cena very quickly became one of my favorite people. He seems super nice and he has a record for make-a-wish visits. Pretty awesome. 

The actors also alleged that Stallone asked production to bring in “pretty young girls to be around me” instead.”

Stop, stop. It’s already dead.

I’ve still yet to see any new Corvette without a senior citizen behind the wheel.

Corvettes and brodozers.

I experienced that same feeling today, but with super high winds that were rocking my car rather than an earthquake. A brief bit of anxiety, followed by the relief of realizing it was only a dangerous natural phenomenon and not an engine problem.

When I lived just outside Atlanta (Cobb County) there really was this ridiculous notion of social climbing and HAVING to keep up with the Jones. Or I guess you end up in Real Housewife purgatory? I knew women who made under $20/hour insist they had to have a Lexus SUV because otherwise the other moms would mock them.

I suspect the vehicles were bought because “everyone else” had them and maybe a little bit of the dreaded “you got something nice and new so I do too” marriage dynamic.

When it came to Tesla or nothing for me, I chose nothing. Now I’m happily driving a non-Tesla EV.

2nd Gear: Tesla feels that the EPA rules don’t go far enough...Wait shouldn’t libertarian Musk be opposed to government intervention? Does he flip a coin on which government policies are bad? That’s sarcasm...we all know the coin he flips is ‘heads I win, tails you lose’ with regard to the government. When government

“Elon Musk Is Turning Off Would-Be Tesla Buyers”

First Gear: He definitely is! The right his ideologies align with do not care for EVs thanks to their orange leader and trained love for oil. And the people on the left like me and my brother-in-law would have been driving Model 3's to work and our families around in Model Y’s long ago if Musk were not a part of the