
“And please free the hostages, all the hostages.”

 She should’ve just apologized and paid half of what she’s paying her lawyers to the dancers.

I watched it. The big problem was that there was a huge build up for such little payoff; the question is “Who is Victor Sams?”, the guy who kills the protagonist’s mother, and the answer when it comes is pretty underwhelming. In between, not a lot happens, and much of what does is really easy to see coming. But it’s

when the guy in charge won with a platform focused in “men’s right” it’s really bizarre that they act surprised when they set record after record of low birth rates

It would be wonderful for the environment if we could just gracefully decline in population.

But so many of the basic underpinnings of our economy are depending on growth, which is created and sustained by the increasing population. We are kind of stuck in a Ponzi scheme loop right now, and having a reduction in

Both Japan and Korea also have the problem of men having ‘traditional’, deeply sexist ideas of what they want their relationships to be, and women like having their own careers and money, and don’t want to be abused housewives like their mothers were. That’s in addition to the fact that they can’t really afford it

Yes, and countries with low birth rates in need of workers can short-term open up for migration. Low birth rates are only a problem if you exclude people from the rest of the world.

Have we considered just learning to live with lower birth rates until the world gets back down to the less crowded four-five billion again? Apart from anything else, it’d be better for the planet and for the workforce who would be able to get paid more again.

Agreed. This is an appropriate situation for the use of a teleoperated robot. Send the robot in to evaluate the situation. This allowed apprehension of the suspect without any loss of life.  It’s not like Spot is armed (except in the literal sense of having a manipulator arm).

I get Police overreach etc… but this is a situation where, any decent human who cares about saving a life should complain about a robot being used. Sure, would a human officer in the house be in a different situation to defend themselves? Maybe. However, the suspect was clearly hellbent on shooting, so, at the end of

Robot overlord abuse. Revenge will be theirs.

1st Gear: I’ve bought three brand new Toyotas over the years. Each time the F&I dude tried to sell one of those maintenance plans, and each time I pulled up their own website and showed them the coupons that are always available for the same services that result in them being cheaper than their plans. (I only do this

As I navigate through ads and click continue reading even more ads on this clunky, shitty site I often wish Mr. Emslie would take this series to The Autopian so I can be done with this shit once and for all.

“Plan Jane”?

Yup, first thought I had too. Like that idiot in L.A. who gave his 17 year old son a Lamborghini Urus who then killed a woman after running a red and plowing into her at 100+. That ended up as an $18M settlement. 

I have been working with teenagers for 25 years. I have learned to never underestimate the stupidity of people. 

Yup, that’ll happen.

/s or no?  I hate the way we rename things to make it more palatable. 

I live in the Bay Area. Its REALLY sad what has been happening in Oakland. I moved here 20+ years ago and Oakland was super scary even in the middle of the day. And then it slowly started to get cleaned up. It was actually pretty nice. Ever since the pandemic hit its just gone straight downhill. The abandoned cars is

My Asus Zenbook flex has a setting to only charge to 80%. I use it unless I am planning to travel. It also goes to low power battery saver mode at 20% but I think that may be a stock windows setting.