
Unfortunately, there isn’t a FDR or Churchill in power. Just a surplus of cucks.

So, you’re one of the ten sitting at the table who doesn’t object when a nazi sits down with them.

I hate to break it to you, but if you wear a New York Yankees hat people think you’re a Yankees fan. If you drive a Nazimobile, guess what they think

If you don’t mind using your money to support nazis, then you should not concern yourself with it.

Enjoy your Swasticar.

I’ve said this from the beginning. Electing Trump and by proxy Elon, is the result of Americans getting a little too comfortable with our own privilege. Our hubris that we will never be dethroned as the leaders of the “free” world and that the way of life in America is a permanent “assumed” state is how we got here. 

I hope so, I know shorting TSLA in the past has been a gamble - but I think the 1st quarter results are going to be a disaster and will crash the house of cards.

Most Americans who feel that way have never known enough hardship to fill a postcard; privilege has its downside.

The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi, but a bankrupt Nazi is a good start.

There are two expressions in the Dutch language that seem to fit exceptionally well:

Now the other question is, what printer really has the worst drivers?

You’re aware that there are only four oval races on the 17-race IndyCar calendar, yes?

Cops are more responsive to crimes against property then crimes against women.

Well American Airlines has a trans ticket agent in LA, need we say more, investigation over !!/s

My dad traveled to Taiwan and got sick with bronchitis. He visited a clinic and was prescribed a course of antibiotics. As a total stranger and tourist essentially fresh off the plane, he paid something like $20USD in total for the visit and drugs.

Jacking up the prices on cars hardly anyone wants to buy anymore in the first place is a bold strategy, Cotton... let’s see if it pays off for them.

Now I want them for my Volt.

They should release the Ridgeline as the Acura NSX just to fully mess with people.

Remember this: rich people are rich people first and whatever else they are is a distant second.

I was lusting after the football players not the cheerleaders