Classic Jalop would have done 18 slides of the Cybertruck.
Classic Jalop would have done 18 slides of the Cybertruck.
Interestingly enough, I prefer the smell of cigarettes to weed, Vapes to both, and none as the ultimate request. just do a little tailgating before the event and walk in, no need to get high throughout an event and stink up the whole place.
Teslas probably crash for the same hoon related reasons Corvettes and 911s do.
Well, we RE-elected a man who’s clearly and repeatedly demonstrated his willingness to cheat, steal, and defraud absolutely everyone he can to enrich himself. And in the interim, he has started a number of shady business ventures (crypto, social media, NFTs, and the like) which he will now be in the position to regulat…
Oh’re about to see outright theft to a magnitude that would make even the best despots blush. Stopping SS payments will merely be a drop in the bucket when it comes to stealing gov’t assets and reassigning the assets to the top 0.01%.
Non-Jalop answer: I would love to see a unification of safety codes between the EU, Japan, Korea and the US. This way, if Toyota makes too many Kei vehicles for their market, they can export some to America cheaply and sell them here. It would allow for enthusiasts to special order stuff like Alpines or the like and…
How about the 55 mpg “Chevrolet” (Suzuki) Sprint I had in 1985? I drove it off the dealer lot for $5500 and drove it for 220,000 trouble-free miles before giving it to a family member.
MAGA loves immigrants like Melania, Musk, and Murdock. When MAGA says “immigrants are all criminals!”, they really mean “non-white immigrants are all criminals!”
Right before we put him in prison for treason. You know he only killed some Ukrainians not all like Putin wanted from him.
Funny how the ones who cry the loudest usually have the most to hide.
This post is strictly theoretical. In the US, wealthy white men are in virtually no danger of being tried, convicted, and deported.
Apply the law. I am so fucking sick of billionaires and celebs and uber rich assholes pulling shit that the rest of us get the book thrown at us for. He lied on his form? Pull his citizenship. He knew he was lying....then his political contributions are illegal. Prosecute him.
I was going to say that it is giving strong Isuzu Amigo vibes! I’ve liked these things since the 90's, and was completely unaware of the Vauxhall version.
Man, I remember the days before paying to check a bag when overhead bin space wasn’t a hot commodity. No one was in a rush to board, there wasn’t any chaos, and I did my best to be one of the last people on the plane. Now I get to be one of the first on most flights, and have the joy of sitting on a hot plane for 25…
I hope VW builds a smaller version. I would love for actual “mini” vans to make a come back, because there’s nothing mini about the current crop of vans on the market.
The old VW bus was especially known for being cheap and usable. This is like the car version of a 70s hippie that became a curmudgeon boomer executive.
This is such a letdown. I was planning on putting a deposit on one of these once they were released - my wife is up for a new car, she specifically wants an EV, she likes minivans, loves the styling of this, and she owns an arts + crafts store which would look great with this parked out front with a two-tone scheme in…
This vehicle is antithetical to VW. There is no such thing as a $70k “people’s car”. VW has always offered style at a premium but within their own models that uniquely styled vehicles have never been significantly more expensive than the platforms they were based on. The new beetle certainly had unique styling and…
My immediate thought when looking at a picture with trump supporters is 1) They are paid to be there. 2) They are completely and utterly STUPID.