Green Monkie

And I will be there day one with $500 plus tax for the system, a few launch games, and any extra peripherals and accessories I deem nifty enough to pick up, for I have no shame.

Interesting sprites used at Google HQ in Mountainview. Anyone know what's up with the little boy and girl in the propeller hats? They're in different locations all over the map.

Naruto, One Piece and Venture Bros.

As a proud American, I represent this remark.

I was confused for a minute.

I was really confused for a second.

I would totally buy Mila Kunis in a hot tub full of Astroglide, especially in they are throwing in free towels.

It's like the Kardashian of memes.

This dude is obviously Captain Planet's worst nightmare.

Funny how you mention they only talk about Infinity Ward creating ALL of Call of Duty (which is incorrect). They kept on showing footage from World at War and Black Ops while talking about Treyarch. Whoops. Nice way to screw up your 45 seconds worth of trolling by not checking your facts, HykCraft_Returns.

I know, right? How is that sink not painted to look like a Warp Pipe? I hope it's next on her list.

@Nest: And that's why everyone thought the Romans should "get bent".

Doom 3 happened on Mars.

Whatever it's called...

Not sure whether to plus or minus for an obvious missed pun.

Your fear most likely stems from seeing this. I know mine does.

You're sarcasm is so subtle, have you considered writing for Jamie Kennedy?

It's like he learned to tweet by reading the comments on Rebecca Black's YouTube video.

I guess you could say that this year,

Video Desktop was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw this and I see that I'm not the only one. Here's what I did to make it work. Enjoy.