Green Monkie

Aww, I just wouldn't have the heart to stuff this little guy in a battery.

They could just put a clear plastic slip case over it with an "I" covering the hanging suicide/zombie. Didn't another game do something similar to but more clothes on a box art character and to make the actual cover seem more revealing? I think the same thing would work here.

After hearing news of this, a Gameloft executive was promptly executed for his oversight and to "inspire" the others to work harder.

What are you talking about. Did you not just get reminded that Killzone 3 is coming out when you read this?

I pledged some money. I may never be able to go there and see it, but at least I'll be able to watch the inevitable Kotaku Video Walkthrough.

So we're a go for the BSG porno spoof then? 'Cause we can't return all these toasters with dildos glued to them.

The best part is the altered photos. Seriously, this guy WAY overestimated a "person-of-no-particular-importance"'s celebrity status. At best, he could expect $500, maybe $600, if he's lucky, and said person actually does something "minimally-mediocre" in 2012.

Could only be more awesome if they broke the encryption and posted the whole thing on the internet... in a YouTube video.

@dowingba: My brother works for eBay, hope you enjoy being banned.

@Ghetto Cornetto: I remember holding a tape recorder up to my Gameboy's speaker to record the soundtrack to 'Castlevania Adventure' and 'Revenge of the Gator'. It's hard to command absolute silence in the living room when you're only 11.

@crazykonrad: Not just that they exist, but that they exist en masse.

@freedomweasel: Just because it's got a bigger lip? That's racist.

@Nethlem: In an odd twist, they're all encoded with the PS3 signature keys.

@Green Monkie: Oh and Second Puzzle, A1: One Must Fall

A2: Audio Surf

Is it okay to cry? 'Cause I'm doing it anyways.

@Green Monkie: Seriously, I think he might be choking.