Green Monkie

Mmmmffg ggffmm mmggff!

If you want to see video of what's really going on in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, go to

@KingHippo: Until they all learn how to hook their DS up to a rubberband and a LEGO motor to unlock everything overnight.

@Sunwind: I think it says that 3 is correct: because he likes tree houses.

@25toLife: "Huh? Oh, right. The underwear." - Dude in the picture

@warpuppy: According to the internet, how many people were born on January 01, 1901?

@saulpimpson: Yeah, that's when you get a chick to sprinkle cracker crumbs into... you know what, I'm gonna stop right there before this comment requires an age gate.

Mario- Check

Yay! Maybe I can FINALLY update my PS3, get back on PSN, AND keep my OtherOS running. Seriously, I haven't updated since the removal, my PS3 feels so lonely.

@CMW89: Is it just me or does it look like Pac-Man is trying to chomp her boob?

@Ambolee: I was very dissapointed to not see this on place. But at least you shared and it made the message board! Right?

@ShaZe88: I agree, while most of his movies are pretty lame, I thought Postal was exactly how it was supposed to be (like a live action South Park). It was very subversively funny and the fact that he could break the fourth wall with it and make fun of himself was great.

@Ambolee: I really wish Nintendo was brazen enough to actually print something like this. Good job! I laughed really hard at this on.

"But hey, when you're wearing your posh Tron Legacy inspired outfit from Opening Ceremony and riding your $35,000 custom made Light Cycle, you're going to look pretty cool with this on your noggin."

@ Daniel Greenberg: WTF is a paper video game? Stop shilling!

You only have to worry when the Kinect starts sending you the active advertisements for Penis Enlargement products.

@KefkaXI: I thought so too until I read your comment and had to look at it again. Super Creepy!