Green Monkie

@wild7s: Up the arse, no less!

@Berd: I like this one the best though, due to it's subtlety.

How did the original Mega Man cover not get ripped apart by this?

It's like a little grenade of holiday cheer.

So we're all going to turn into the level one boss from Life Force?

We're gonna need more crowbars.

Wario Land, Galactic Pinball, and Panic Bomber. I only had an import copy of Panic Bomber and never got to play in in english. No clue what was going on in the game but it was still a whole lot of fun. I couldn't put Wario Land down until I had completed it with 100% and I still contend that the one on the Virtual Boy

@Biduleman: Great first start, here's what I got to add:

@colineff: What does honesty and decency have to do with curing cancer? Do you realize the profitability in owning the cure for cancer? Decency be damned. Those jacked-up price stickers won't look so bad when there sitting next to the new cigarette labels.

@Knifington: The title is missing the subtext. It should read; "How To Get Your Girlfriend Into Games or How To Get Any Girl To Willingly Sit Next To You On A Couch For More Than Two Minutes Without Being Completely Awkward". I think it was a marketing choice.

So when do they announce Gabe, Sam, Homestar Runner, and the Scout as secret unlockable characters or the line-up for the sequel, playing Texas Hold 'em?

@Nipah: Well they did mention Madworld for the Wii.

@Dave Harris: Oh, and if you should happen to type "peach goth" for Google images, might I suggest that your Safe Search be ON. Crikey, people!

So when I read the headline, I expected to see Mario dressed like The Crow and Peach in something from the back of a Hot Topic store.

@Givafuk: These stats smell like Bigfoot's ......

@Batman: I third this motion, "Brawl in the Family" must be added.

That's gonna be one helluva cover-up.