@wild7s: Up the arse, no less!
@wild7s: Up the arse, no less!
@Berd: I like this one the best though, due to it's subtlety.
How did the original Mega Man cover not get ripped apart by this?
It's like a little grenade of holiday cheer.
@Salari: I do.
So we're all going to turn into the level one boss from Life Force?
We're gonna need more crowbars.
Wario Land, Galactic Pinball, and Panic Bomber. I only had an import copy of Panic Bomber and never got to play in in english. No clue what was going on in the game but it was still a whole lot of fun. I couldn't put Wario Land down until I had completed it with 100% and I still contend that the one on the Virtual Boy…
@Biduleman: Great first start, here's what I got to add:
@colineff: What does honesty and decency have to do with curing cancer? Do you realize the profitability in owning the cure for cancer? Decency be damned. Those jacked-up price stickers won't look so bad when there sitting next to the new cigarette labels.
@Knifington: The title is missing the subtext. It should read; "How To Get Your Girlfriend Into Games or How To Get Any Girl To Willingly Sit Next To You On A Couch For More Than Two Minutes Without Being Completely Awkward". I think it was a marketing choice.
So when do they announce Gabe, Sam, Homestar Runner, and the Scout as secret unlockable characters or the line-up for the sequel, playing Texas Hold 'em?
@Nipah: Well they did mention Madworld for the Wii.
@Dave Harris: Oh, and if you should happen to type "peach goth" for Google images, might I suggest that your Safe Search be ON. Crikey, people!
So when I read the headline, I expected to see Mario dressed like The Crow and Peach in something from the back of a Hot Topic store.
@Givafuk: These stats smell like Bigfoot's ......
@Batman: I third this motion, "Brawl in the Family" must be added.