Green Monkie

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@spiderweb1986: It was about $30-$40 when it first came out but I've seen it in secondhand stores for about $15-$20. $75 is a bit ridiculous, even if it is out of print.

@Shinta: Nah, I Jox my robot in the buff... wait, that didn't come out right.

We would. We did.

@Shinta: That's exactly the first thing that came to my mind. If they could just make a Teflon mat and some kinda harness to keep you in place... Here's to a Robot Jox game.

So when are we going to see some Move-men/Sanrokumaru/Jack from "Jack in the Box" Orb-headed deathmatch action?

@Illist: You nailed that exact three games I thought of when I watched this. Wonky or not, I'm in.

Please, oh please, oh please, oh please, pleaseplease, please, please.

@flashtut: Only the PS3 games are (but not entirely - a select few are actually region encoded). PSone and PS2 games maintain their region locks as do DVD and Blu-ray movies.

But can it bring back "Other OS", "Backwards Compatibility", and "Region Free"? Would it be wrong to give me back the features I originally bought the PS3 for? Would it be wrong to fix Sony's broken promises?

Aww, Come on guys. Do we really have to all hate on him like that? I mean sure, he's not the wholesome family man that Weibe is. Sure he has beady little eyes and a caveman forehead. Yes he wears ridiculous "power ties" and won't let go of his "took me all of the eighties to grow this" hair-cut. Of course he says a

@thefloodgod: Yeah, well, hookers don't really give a crap about you either. They just want your money.

Constant Temperature Change

@YardanCabaret:Just like you and me! I just tried to explain that to my friends with the same enthusiasm you seem to have on this.

@YardanCabaret: Wow, I'm totally replying to somebody who has a friend whose uncle is Kevin Butler. It's like I'm just that much closer to him. Thanks anonymous commenter, for you have made my day. I will now go and gloat to my friends who will stare at me in a ponderous manner wondering what the F*@# I am talking

As a fellow Baja owner, I approve. Got a license plate myself that says NES8BIT

@vaterunser: Quick Google image search... and ... o_O