They should double-down and only give us Doctor Aphra and Jyn Erso DLC characters.
They should double-down and only give us Doctor Aphra and Jyn Erso DLC characters.
Oh no, somebody identifies with something I love in a way I don’t relate to and that makes me uncomfortable which I can only express in outrage because I’m too immature to deal with nuanced emotions.
“...while monsters haven’t shown up (yet..) in Tennessee...”
The show is amazing. The episode was superb. I could only imagine the heads exploding as Nick Offerman, wood-working autour, whiskey connoisseur, and paragon of manliness, kissed a dude.
Please post a picture of the avatar. I only see photos of Zuckerburg in this article.
I came here to question that.
I always thought Flick was a girl.
Yeah. Just saw the official tweet. Booooooooooooooooooooooooo...
The way it was worded made it seem like just the third game will require the cloud and 1 & 2 could be download and physical. That would make more sense since the first two are PS3 upgrades to PS2 games and the third was a PS4 release.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who has struggled with the controller setup on the Switch version and I’m glad it’s there, even it it requires two systems to run. It was hassle free on the Gamecube, especially if you were using three Wavebirds. I still maintain that Wii U’s failure was it’s lack of Pac-Man Vs.
Pac-Man Vs. was objectively the best thing and since GC-GBA connectivity is what willed that into existence, those credits transfer.
All that and not a single mention of Pac-Man Vs.
Seriously? Are you all really just going to sit here and ignore the most important part of this video? Well, if none of you will say it, I will.