Green Monkie

I kissed a squirtle and I liked it...

Game? That’s just the mandatory system update. He’ll be long gone before he can even get to the game... which will require another update, no doubt.

I have no X and I must Jason

How is this not a Splatfest?

Sanji’s always being erected.

  • rake in the lake

They’ll never put that on the service because that would force them into admiting the boneheaded decisions they made concerning the most amazing thing to ever come out of that franchise since the 2.0 PC game. I really wish they would do something to complete that series and resolve the cliff hanger ending they canceld

Thank you,that is the exact gif I was trying to put in. Stupid Kinja.

The prophecy has been fulfilled.

Do we all still remember that that Life in Aggro comic used to be about games?

So let me get this straight. A black man bum rushed the president from around a table while spouting nonsense, physically grabbed him and not a single secret service agent flinched or made an attempt to stop it. Is this progress?

Was that on purpose? ‘Cause it should be.

I’m floored by how good these are.

Gettin’ ‘er in the ol’ “Clown-Copter,” know what I mean, know what I mean.

There was one game that I swore could only be played with the NESmax: Marble. Madness.

It’s confirmed then; Jeremy Young is a obviously Sith Lord bent on ruling the Twin Galaxies.

There are three precious moments in my life; the day I married my wife, the day my niece was born, and the day I left Bank of America for USAA.

Did you check the voltage switch on the PSU for 120v vs 240v? It could be either underpowered or overpowered if that isnt right and I’ve seen a lot of techs miss that and write off the PSU as faulty.