
What I so love about this show is that I end up on the 'side' of every character at some point. Except Piper. For some reason, I can't ever really sympathize or empathize with that one.

They didn't kill the Divas' division, or the belt. They just transferred the entire aesthetic to boring heel Charlotte's god-awful wardrobe.

I might be excited about this if it didn't involve vampires and werewolves, which sort of makes it super derivative and 'chick-like.' There are just so many other ways someone could go with this, and those ways would never feel at home on the CW, ya know?

Tatiana. Tatiana might be Putin's sister.

I still don't trust what's-her-face. It's often felt as if she knows more about what the 'illegals' are up to than Arkady.

And she's all church-going, so…

His wife left him because he was having an affair.

I think if any of us were Stan right now, we would be giddy over anything that happens outside the office.

And don't we think her eggs are also going to play a role in the cure? And aren't they still buried like kimchi in the Hendrix back yard?

Or Henry has already been turned into a spy without his parents' knowledge, like the kid who shot up his parents and sister. Because teenage boys and sex.

Agreed. Especially after the final scene shown in the previews for next week's season finale.

This show deftly switches stereotypical gender norms and expectations in such a compelling and even-handed way. Shonda Rhimes could learn a thing or 100.

I'm assuming your non-use of the Oxford Comma is deliberately awesome, right?

We should also think about logical vs. emotional when it comes to Russian women who are not Elizabeth Jennings. Tatiana is coldly efficient and committed to Mother Russia. Nina's emotional investments led to her eventual demise.

I'm also loving the random tidbits we're learning about Jared's childhood. Like his "stuffed animal." It borders on "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt"-ness and I thought, oh hey, Jared should be Kimmy's love interest before immediately realizing that it already happened on "The Office." (Granted, I've tried to forget about

Whereas we see Elizabeth reach out to Philip and immediately think its a work, Stan's intentions always seem sincere. He's an agent, sure, but not a spy. And he wears his heart on his sleeve.

If I was a trained assassin of sorts, I would so not worry about 'bad neighborhoods.'

I almost teared up a bit when Stan said goodbye to Oleg, even if we know they'll meet again. But I don't think my heart ever broke as much for Stan Beeman as it did in that scene. Noah Emmerich played the hell out of it.

But what I wouldn't give to see Cesaro get a chance for some belt. Any belt.