
Charlotte is unbearable on the mic, and I have no idea why they're bringing Dana into all of this—really felt that was one of the worst 'twists' during Extreme Rules. (Other than they're two hyper-muscular blonds with out-of-control implants?) And now that Sasha is out with a concussion and may not be able to vie for

Even in regards to kayfabe—can you even be a legitimate heel after you've been outed as the biggest granter of Make-A-Wishes? (I have seriously been wondering.)

Even heels become faces when feuding with Reigns.

This show is nowhere near perfect, but it was all worth it to see Ms. Patmore as a cold-blooded murderer doing caterer drag.

Also — what therapist risks losing their license for a $10,000 check?

Viola Davis is immensely likable. Annalise Keating is not.

This show is deplorable in every f**king way. All I ask is that they explain why you can't poison Rowan Pope and make it look like a heart attack. Is he immortal? Does he test everything he eats, drinks, and touches? Will he rip off his mask to reveal he was Vladimir Putin all along?

And of course they wanted you to think that Young-He and Don were probably going to be killed in their cabin.

The best part of this episode was when Cookie asked Jamal if he remembered the prosecutor who was after them [Lucious]. His response: "Tits McGee?"

No one wants this.

What? No mention of Billy Zane?

Yes. But I still don't understand why we didn't revisit her when we were looking into Beth's final days.

And a German! Everyone forgets Kaitja!

I think it is to get access to her husband, who works in some sort of line of software or defense?

Not that I should even apply logic to this show, but…

"This is a sped-up staccato speech pattern that Rhimes returns to again and again, so much so that now it’s distracting."

If they did kill her, it would have been quick and sudden.


But on the previews for next week, we were back in a Soviet prison with a person-sized bag on the floor. So yeah…there's that.

And because the universe clearly needs more Boo Berry jokes.