
do like any good southerner - send the kids out on the porch to do it. duh.

i love constance wu already, and i am fully prepared for the side eye from my wife while watching her in this

the Koch funded governor of Alaska just vetoed the legislature’s proposed operating budget on the last day of the fiscal year, including a $130 million (40%) cut to the University of Alaska.  Guess we’re just a warehouse for the oil industry now, not a state.

never have i anticipated something so much and not been let down.  they done done it again.

anybody else and i’d probably agree with you, but its john fucking waters.

you are a dedicated luddite and i appreciate that.  i would also love to see this datsun.

48 degrees this morning here in alaska...high is 85 though

i spent a week on the 4th floor of a hotel in potsdam at 95 degrees and it was hell, and i grew up in the american south and lived through summers with no a/c.  the beer wasn’t even cold.

some people would pay big bucks for that sort of thing

these age demographics figures are so weird - first group represents 8 years, second group represents 29, third group represents 9....

extremely not surprised he is from alaska

this was the first clue that let me know he was from alaska

i know a lot of folks who talk about how reliable their subarus are, only to find at 100k miles theyve had head gaskets done twice, wheel bearings at all 4 corners, piston slap that’ll rattle your fillings, electronic gremlins, etc...

nearly every high school in the state of virginia

this was an extremely fairbanks story thank you for sharing

my wife (a yoga instructor) and i live a few miles from where this spectacle went down.  lots of eye rolling in our household.

miss me with that jesus shit

my (canadian) wife was trying to make fun of cool ranch doritos (“soo american”) while simultaneously praising ketchup chips -- YUCK

theres a tiny sandwich shop in my hometown that has my favorite sandwich of all - the MLT - (cold) meatloaf, lettuce, tomato. sometimes with a bit of gorgonzola.  their french potato salad makes an excellent side.

im like this with my coffee.  i like that shit cooled down a little bit.