i want an 89 suburban sooooo bad - especially if i could find one with a 5 speed
i want an 89 suburban sooooo bad - especially if i could find one with a 5 speed
4 doors - no
valley trash is real
keaks verse on this is one of my favorite car related rap verses of all time -455 got me runnin up on aston martins
SF is a pizza devoid wasteland except for arinells
because his victim is native
if you’re pulling heavy trailers (which you better be, buying a 1 ton diesel dually) on grades or slick conditions, manual transmission allows you an awful lot more control than automatic
yeah $400 an hour for a helicopter is a steal. theyre certainly losing money every time they operate one.
A joke is a display of humor in which words are used within a specific and well-defined narrative structure to make people laugh and is not meant to be taken seriously
alternatively, sell me the element
apparently hes just too dumb to realize he was headed into a foreign country
to anyone wanting to spend $143 on a bottle of glacier water, let me know and i will drive to a glacier tomorrow and fill you as many bottles as you like for the low low price of $100 per bottle
im just relieved alaska isnt included in your header graphic
while most dogs seem to tolerate cheap domestic beer fairly well, be careful leaving IPAs or similar around - hops are extremely toxic to dogs and cause hyperthermia in relatively small amounts
im just drooling over that hilux...
if you have not had anchorage brewing you owe it to yourself to try it next time you visit. one of the finest brewers in the world, IMO - he used to be head brewer at midnight sun. Incredible brett beers, the most sought after barleywine in the world, and fantastic IPAs.
thats hilarious because it sits on shelves forever up here in the great white north. i could go buy a 2017 off the shelf today if i wanted to.