
if you can find me an 08 element for under $5k in alaska I will buy it today

also check out yokohama geolandar a/t - i have them on my lifted impreza and they are the best tires i’ve ever had.  i hesitate to admit this, but i didnt even put my studded snow tires on this year and the geolandars did great - in alaska, where we don’t see pavement from october to march.

my wife had an element that she was travelling through canada and alaska with when i met her, mainly living in it.  it was even a manual.  she had to move to a city in canada for a little while and had no use for a car, so she sold it.  now she has a crv, essentially the same vehicle but much less useful body.  i

my wife, a yoga teaching millenial vegetarian, helps me split and stack 2+ cords of firewood a year

burning firewood is the sustainable choice, as a renewable resource

yikes - slight difference in build quality eh?

good luck finding a 2001 tundra for the price of a 1999 dakota, people love those first gen tundras.  my dad had one, now my brother has it with a tasteful lift, its a very sweet truck.

a guy i work with just got rid of his once maintenance started to become a headache - i believe it had about 180k miles, all from him. he loved the thing and kept it all this time despite making considerably more money than me. He went out and bought a brand new crew cab ram 1500 with the 5.7 hemi.

i dont get it either, but the market is there, cbd is in and theres a dollar to be made

yep, just like i said... keep the train articles coming

this horse is getting itchy’ reminds me of ‘these pretzels are making me thirsty’

Pretty sure knowing the term foamer makes you one to the rest of the world...

theres a weird overlap between graffiti culture and railfans, cause they typically “bench” at the same locations - i have never had more than a passing interest in either, but used to go with my friends to smoke and drink cheap beer at the bench spot.  all this to say - we met some seriously strange railfans.

its called railfanning

more trainlopnik please

as a musher i appreciate your volunteering and your efforts to educate here, i tried to steer his conversation towards a productive one but he does not appear to want to hear anything but his pre-conceived notions.  if you are ever in fairbanks id love to take you for a dog sled ride.

im very aware what humane means, just making the point that you are coming at this with a very anthropomorphic point of view. animals have different wants, needs, and desires. i would invite you to come to alaska and visit a kennel - interact with these amazing dogs and see how much joy it brings them to run through

ive only been through the pass one time in my life and even i instantly recognized it.  iconic road, and absolutely insane ramp. looks like almost the whole thing was needed, though.

thank you jason.  i was just on youtube the other day trying to find a good one and couldnt.

youre thinking as a human, you even say humane limit - these dogs are capable of so much more than any human i’ve ever met.