
yukon quest volunteer and recreational dog musher here - nice article!!


im pretty sure the guilty parties have had their share of drugs and liquor, just sayin, it is talladega....

i worked as a bouncer off and on for a year or so, but this pretty well sums it up.

ive bounced more folks as a bar regular than i ever had to when i worked a a bouncer

whats endgame

many local animal control offices or other pet friendly outfits will offer spay/neuter clinics or vaccination clinics - these can be a good way to save money on routine procedures

learning to do simple veterinary care can also save you a nice bit of money too.  one of my pack got a bad cut the other day, but with just a little knowledge i trimmed his fur around it, cleaned the wound, and dressed it and continue to clean it to fight off infection.  if it gets infected (unlikely) i have a

im sorry this happened to you. definitely ask the vet about a payment schedule, and get your brakes fixed! You don’t need a new car, the repair should cost $1000 at the absolute MAX - you could even do it yourself with the help of youtube and a few basic tools!

seriously.  i have 2 small cabins across the street from my property that i rent to college kids - these places are far from fancy, and i’m still always throwing money at them. at least they are nearly paid off.

looks like a nice steak too

looks like a nice steak too

Geolandars are made by yokohama anyway, not toyo, so might wanna fix that if you’re tryin to get that #sponcon check

i was definitely stoned when i voted to legalize cannabis in my state

french potato salad is the best

jesus christ people if the slab of bologna is > 1/8" thick it is henceforth a bologna BURGER. the rural gas station food counter gods have spoken.

we have cadbury’s fruit & nut in the states now! i’m sure the chocolates not quite as good (its been a long time since i’ve had an authentic one) but they are amaaazing.

youre doing it the ‘right’ way already

I paid $300 for a running 4x4 f150 and proceeded to drive it 1000 miles on Alaskan dirt roads to go fishing

i agree with butt stuff 666

i have 7 dogs just sayin