if someone is getting too inside their head with weed i would NEVER recommend a sativa, hell even as a daily smoker for 15 years i still avoid heavy sativas.
if someone is getting too inside their head with weed i would NEVER recommend a sativa, hell even as a daily smoker for 15 years i still avoid heavy sativas.
im shocked theres no bigass trucks on the list
recently a guy killed a bear that charged him in his yard in alaska. only after it was dead did he realize it was a dirty polar bear, not a grizzly - this bear had traveled ~150 miles from the coast and crossed a gnarly mountain range. strange times.
in AK, $11 is also at the low end of the spectrum, $15 is more common. The quality is typically pretty decent, though. Alaska has a long and storied history of grey market cannabis growing, though.
honestly, my driving is almost 100% on 55mph roads with no stoplights, so i’m operating under ideal conditions
fascinating. at these prices i’m definitely gonna check it out.
fairbanks alaska, rent was $550, it was the heating oil that killed me - at 60 below zero i was burning 5 gallons of ($4/gal) oil per day and my beer was still freezing on the floor
upthread, but in the grays still, i did a little comparison and basically decided the same thing. i understand it, but its still not great
ay russ remember that time we shook hands at your high schools prom 14 years ago? no? well anyway, i need a couple grand for this thing...
i quite like it too, but yeah, i also like the element...
as an alaskan who feels your mosquito pain, if you are interested in non-chemical options the mosquito magnet propane devices are very effective, and using them year after year dramatically reduces your local population
as an alaskan who feels your mosquito pain, if you are interested in non-chemical options the mosquito magnet…
non-turbo subaru buyers are looking at mpg, not horsepower.
I had a 97 legacy outback with the 4eat that got ~25mpg mixed driving. It weighed 3100lbs. Looks like the 2019 outback weighs 3600-3900, cant find specs for the 2020. So i guess its not that bad, in comparison. Just expect more in 2019 from a small 4 banger, but that awd system really sucks the fuel.
those mpg numbers are pretty poor too. isnt the cvt supposed to improve mileage? my 97 outback with n/a 2.5 hit the same numbers
ok i’m officially intrigued. i looked at the tweedle farms website and while their outfit looks legit, honestly the whole concept is setting off my bullshit alarms because it sounds too good to be true. i may have to order some to check it out. Does it really taste good? What do you notice from adding that much CBD…
fuck corporate weed
Try a bike in 3 feet of snow at 40 below zero and let me know if you’d like to have a car. Look, I ‘survived’ on a lot less than $15/hr for a long time, but people shouldn’t have to live that way when they’re working a full time job
Well most people don’t want to live in fucking iowa or wherever you have an $850 mortgage just so they can have a 4K tv
there are some high CBD strains that people are doing with THC clocking in in that area, but tbh, theyre gonna taste like dirt