ive got a 20 year old car, a 5 year old phone, no tv and no internet. when i made $15/hr i lived in a one room shack with no running water because i couldnt afford more. bull shit that people “make it just fine on the old minimum wage of $10".
ive got a 20 year old car, a 5 year old phone, no tv and no internet. when i made $15/hr i lived in a one room shack with no running water because i couldnt afford more. bull shit that people “make it just fine on the old minimum wage of $10".
in my state all anyone care about is the thc%, so they’re out there slingin all these 25-30% strains while i’m scoopin up the 16-17-18% stuff on the cheap. love it.
i found exactly the opposite with pens. it lets me dial in exactly how much i want to take in; a gram of wax and my pen lasts me WEEKS. I never took a t-break or anything, but my tolerance has naturally decreased. I usually do a few good hits of the pen when i get home from work and then about 1/2 a joint in the…
the answer is a joint
where are you from dawg your terminology is all crazy. east coast US we use carb, chillum (never bat), bucket = gravity bong
we went from getting a return to owing >$1000
one of my dogs figured out how to east blueberries off the bush a few years ago, and now every time we go blueberry picking he gorges himself
oh yeah. they go crazy for freezer burnt smoked salmon. but i think their favorite is fish head stew
even steel becomes brittle at -40
damn my town doesnt have a whole foods, target, cvs, rite aid, duane reade (?), or albertsons. theres a target in my state but its 6 hrs away.
all 7 of my dogs eat wild alaska salmon every day, at $26 a meal i’d be spending more than my yearly salary to feed them
never loved sweet tea, despite being from a place where you have to ask for “unsweet” tea
it is not legal to purchase wild game meat in any state in the US
who was a noted neo-nazi/white supremacist...
moose lengua is my jam
nancys plain full fat is not quite as thick as greek but getting there. its my go to
vanilla =/= plain.
full fat plain yogurt, greek or otherwise, is the hardest to find for some reason. its really the only kind i eat, except i’ll sometimes take one of my wifes from the fridge when i have the munchies
my wife buys liberte as her dessert