
yeah my wife, the most organized person i think i’ve ever met, who just got US citizenship with no problems without a lawyer, had to make 3 separate trips to the DMV in alaska, the first time she didnt have quite the right documents, and the second time was because the ID they sent her wasnt real ID compliant -

i dont own A dog, i own 7

founders all day is my aboslute favorite session ipa.

virginia seems to be constantly trying to find its food language. as with all things, it can’t decide whether it wants to be “southern” or not. but there are certainly gems to be found. from salty ham biscuits to cookout or myriad gas station fried chicken joints to some amazing food from every corner of the world. as

my technique is to do literally nothing to it. i wipe it with a paper towel, sometimes

i literally drove from virginia to north carolina one time for NC style bbq.  it is, to me, the one true form of the art.  And with a big pile of coleslaw on it, its all the better.

anyone else remember PBR LITE?  i only ever saw it at one gas station, for one summer.  they had it on sale for $7 for a 24 pack.  I think me and my friends drank every single case they had.

Always define your coordinate system 

I budget safari’d my subaru impreza outback sport, but todd has more cash to play with than me, so i’d go bugeye WRX. Easy to lift, fun for days.

are there even any white kids at LC bird?  richmond is still so fucking segregated.


inreach typically does better in terrain or at high latitudes than spot.

inreach runs off the same satellites as the only sat phone service worth considering, if you cant send an inreach message you’re definitely not going to be able to have a conversation on a sat phone.

while i dont entirely agree with what youve said here, i love the way you’ve said it

i work and recreate in remote arctic alaska, and i love my delorme inreach. highly recommend.

Dogs absolutely do not die every year, in the early days of the race dog deaths were more common and frankly, in those days, were accepted. This isn’t the attitude any longer, and dog deaths have dropped to near zero. Some years there are none. When you say “teams lose dogs every year” I assume you must be referring

ah good ive been looking for a faster way to strip screws

ah good ive been looking for a faster way to strip screws

i think this is a valid point, but it seems like people forget about maintenance. sure not everybody has the knowledge or time to do even simple projects themselves, but a good mechanic working on a reasonable used car will make for an extremely reliable ride at a fraction of the cost of a new car.

i just calculated what my average monthly payment has been for buying used with cash - $130 a month gets me 2 cars and a 1 ton crew cab pickup.  pretty nice, and that average only gets lower the longer I own them.

ive actually never tried it but ive been hearing that for years