Some might argue that that sort of brutal command structure is exactly the sort of thing the Resistance was fighting against.
Some might argue that that sort of brutal command structure is exactly the sort of thing the Resistance was fighting against.
Rewatch the original Star Wars and then Empire Strikes Back and tell us where Luke learning to force pull his lightsaber was set up. It’s the Force, Star Wars doesn’t need to set up how it works. Nearly every force power is revealed in full the first time we see it without whatever setup you seem to think was…
Call me crazy, but I seriously feel like you could create a pretty decent Schitt’s Creek spinoff based on this!
Yeah, but the stink was on Clinton regardless of whether impeachment hearings happened or not, and it was all orchestrated by Newt and the GOP. That Al Gore was an unrelatable bland candidate (Hilary-much?) vs. good ole boy Dubya, who even I would’ve gotten a beer with, certainly didn’t help! Democrats would do well…
The time of day was the least of that part’s problems...
And do you know what it means when the books look good? Investors and ad buyers and other sources of rvenue want to give more, which leads to more content getting made for all of us, even jerks who steal some of it for themselves. Just because you don’t understand the economics of the entertainment industry doesn’t…
So, anyone out there not care about Disney or Hulu and want to sublet my ESPN+ subscription for $1 less per month than whatever they currently charge you for a standalone subscription?
What if I live in a one bedroom apartment, but my 3 google speakers throughout lose their WiFi connection at least once a week? Then might I need one of these?
What if I live in a one bedroom apartment, but my 3 google speakers throughout lose their WiFi connection at least…
Did you guys try the code? Use code 2RY3KW8O
Did you guys try the code? Use code 2RY3KW8O
“It was an odd opening...”
Come on, this is a universe that has yet to adopt basic railing technology despite their mastery of bottomless pit tech. You really think they’re putting much effort into communications technology?
Any list that doesn’t rank AOTC as the worst is wrong and written by somebody who doesn’t get movies. That’s right, I said that, sorry Brian...
I don’t blame you after attempting to use the busted-ass website in an attempt to procure one of these. First I tried the Find In Store button that’s right there, turns up nothing in an unlimited radius. Then I forgo the desire for instant gratification and go through the check out process only to find that their…
I don’t blame you after attempting to use the busted-ass website in an attempt to procure one of these. First I…
Cool, thanks for the info!!
I’m sure this will get buried, but on the off chance someone sees it...
Reading this column occasionally, and seeing the comments down here, is pretty interesting. Seems like there's a lot of unfair judging going on, and of all the places one would expect to see that sort of thing, it sure as hell shouldn't be a nerdy gamers' website. Anyway, I think these Q&As are great. Lord knows I…
Starring for old school memories of AIM away message soap boxes!
Absolutely this. It sounds so weird and stupid, and there's definitely a way to screw it up and come across as pushy or creepy, but done right it's like Colt 45!