I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
oh my god! That sounds excruciating!
This is a great list - for figuring out if your significant other is a complete douchebag and you should break the fuck up with him! Sorry, dude who wrote this list, but if you think it's cool to want to sleep with all my friends, constantly badger me for a threesome and watch porn that's so gross it will "scar me for…
Yup. That's pretty much exactly how I do my makeup!
awww of course I remember you!!! you can totally always talk to me on gchat. :)
omg I missed you! Hope you've been well!
Yeah, this is basically how I figured out I was bisexual too. Especially in the atmosphere I grew up in, being bi just wasn't presented as an option (my mom still flat out says being bi "isn't real" and "you should just make up your mind"). I was so sexually repressed I didn't even think about who I was attracted to…
Gushers, man - ew.
Weird! I wonder if I've had this before and never knew it!
Native Americans also used to eat a type of blood sausage.
This. Falafel can be delicious or terrible.
Make your own syrup! All you have to do is boil water and brown sugar until it's thick and syrupy. Less sweet than maple syrup, but doesn't taste like corn syrup.
I loooove the taste of cumin, but it does kind of smell like dirty diapers before it's cooked.
that is so sad! Duck is delicious. Aspic is not. :(
in response to "who the fuck made up black pudding" (even though I know you weren't actually looking for an answer, but you get one anyway) - hungry people. England in the Middle Ages wasn't exactly an agricultural paradise - not much grew there, especially before potatoes were imported from South America. I'm pretty…
ahh that makes sense! It's still good to know. :) Yeah, it's not a big deal, I tend not to eat steak very much, and most people like that anyway - more for them!
Yeah I have to agree with this. Bologna is TERRIBLE. So, so, so terrible.
I'm pretty much with you and rarely eat steak unless it's in other things and cooked to what I guess would be medium-well-done, no pink but just barely so, but I only like it in like fajitas, not by itself.
nothing wrong with that!