
I don't remember this show, but damn he's hot.

and his voice! the voice actor had such a sexy voice!

OMG. I loved Robin Hood as a kid. He is so number one on my list. Glad you agree with me.


Ground your kid. I swear that's the most effective punishment anyway. (NOT A PARENT just remembering how I felt as a kid.) Just make sure you ground them from something they actually care about losing. That way they are punished, but it's not like "you're a terrible person so I am going to yell at you or hit you!"

Would it be wrong to post this on my Facebook with the caption "Take that, Christians who told me only Christians could really love you"? Because I am really tempted.

I missed this thread the first time around (it was when I was first starting to post on here), but I just wanted to say thank you for being willing to answer these questions! Reading the comments has been very informative. I know it's not always easy to have to teach the "101 course," so it means a lot that you'd be

GT should read a Shakespeare play together and discuss with GIFs.

I just still can't get over the hole in the ground/vagina metaphor. So. weird.

I thought the consensus was that The Tempest probably wasn't original? Although parts of it definitely are innovative.

It's a shitty song, but I think it's appropriate that it's a "homage/rip-off" considering that Romeo and Juliet, along with every other play Shakespeare wrote other than Titus Andronicus, borrowed heavily from source material.

I definitely feed my cats better cat food than Beneful, but it's not as nice as the stuff you're talking about - somewhere in between. I have three cats. It's expensive but not that bad. I probably spend $30 a month on cat food, which is not terrible. But it's not organic - I just assumed organic food would be

I don't think this is horrible - pets are a part of the family. But I also have no idea how people afford this.

I'm sorry but this is epic. Cheesy and epic.

Good job. That is some spot-on advice you're giving to the girl whose friend tried to "date out of her league." Also, that girl needs to think - hard - about how much she is judging her friend by her looks. She's got some work of her own to do.

I totally agree, people need to learn basic life skills. But if they don't know them and you make fun of them for not knowing, you're adding layers of hurt that will probably prevent them from trying to learn in the future. Don't do that. :(


This would be funny, except it's too real to be funny.

I displaced one of my floating ribs when I was 18, from jazz choir, trying to hold a note for a long time. Maybe it would fix it.

yeah, I've only ever known this for sure about people I've dated. And even those who don't watch porn when they're in a relationship probably watch it when they're single.