
You're probably right, treating the morbidly obese probably does raise healthcare costs slightly. I just meant to point out that that amount is so minute compared to so many other stupid things Americans choose to pay for because our health care system sucks.

actually, insurance companies inflate costs for everyone else, as do people who don't have adequate healthcare who have to go to the ER to get any medical attention. We spend more money in this country for people to not have healthcare than we would if we just gave healthcare to everyone. If we had real universal

Well, I definitely know a lot of people who do the sorts of things you are describing, and I think it is a combination of "everyone else is doing it," that it is a rite of passage, and that throwing a big party where you're the center of attention is pretty fun. I personally think a lot of the stuff you mention is

Oh, I in no way mean that you have to buy into consumerism to have a fun and successful wedding, nor am I saying that people don't buy stupid shit. I'm just saying, they tend to buy more shit for things they already want and are excited about buying, versus things they don't want. There are psychological reasons for

I guess I do kind of want the proposal moment too. I guess I'm just cheesy and I want the down-on-one-knee memory and I really wish someone could get a photo of it. I think it is important to Greenhunk too.

hmmm, people definitely congratulated me when I finished my graduate degree. And no one I hang out with would ever think that a wedding is the most important thing you will ever do. I hear anger in this post. I get the anger - I come from a very conservative background, and it's hard when you want to achieve things

People are not blind puppets. Things sell because we want them. That's why it's really hard to sell hearing aids (from experience), but really easy to sell weddings. What we should ask is, why do people want weddings? I believe it is because weddings have taken on the role of an important rite of passage. Rites of

Weddings are one of the only rites of passage we have left in this culture, and I'm not willing to pass up the opportunity to have a special, memorable day. No, it doesn't have to be ten grand. I am really crafty and creative and I know I can do it for way less than that, without going into debt or hurting my budget.

Because if you can't afford a ring, you definitely can't afford a wedding. We're going to be together forever regardless of the ceremony - it's just an excuse to throw a fun party and invite all our friends and family. The formal engagement is just as unnecessary as the wedding, and as soon as we announced it there

why is it weird if you're just waiting for a "formal" engagement? If you and your SO have talked at length about it and know you're getting married but he can't afford the ring yet?

what the fuck. :(

this just made my day.


Seconded!!! that girl has a six pack - is Miss New York high? I mean, not that it even matters, because the real problem is that that's an acceptable insult in the first place. :(


First sexual experience: 18, in a hot tub, with my high school sweetheart. It was sweet and a little scary.


Once again, Jezebel, hire Kyosuke to write for you!

lol that is kind of creepy.