This is so true in my experience.
Good job! I'm so proud of you. You did the right thing and saved someone years of heartache. You are awesome.
I almost married someone who would have done something like this. YES, tell her. It will suck for her, but it's better to know the truth.
My guess is that the hat had nothing to do with it. Unless the big kitty is the mommy kitty, it probably hates that kitten with a passion. It takes cats about 3 months of living together to get used to living in the same house. And adult cats are usually really annoyed by kittens.
it's not that we're shallow - it's that we're mocking you. ;)
this is my new favorite gif.
Also really similar to Jason Mraz. His voice, I mean. The lyrics are much, much less creative than Jason Mraz's.
This makes me dislike her a little less, yes.
I love the boots!
Gender contamination: also known as misogyny.
sounds like my life.
This is horrifying. :(
WHAT. Okay, Lady Gaga, you've officially gone too far.
hahaha. Don't feel bad, I already have my wedding dress from the wedding that thankfully did not happen. But it's beautiful and I'll still be happy to wear it someday. :)