
Oh hey, apologetics for marital rape!

When the phrase "carpe diem" is used in old poetry, it is usually as a way to try to convince people to sleep with you.

Well, then maybe it's a good thing that traditional journalism is dying.

I have no idea! I can't imagine caring about seeing people's feet. News flash, people have feet. They're no more offensive than hands. Does this author also feel disgust and rage when people don't wear gloves? Or hats?

Yeah, for sure! I live in Eugene, and I cannot imagine anyone here caring. I have never heard any flip-flop hate - most people I know even wear them to work in the summers.

WHAT. Now I must buy these.

me too! I love my feet! Yay!

You will pry my flip flops out of my cold, dead hands.

oh omg so it's actually a sales pitch. Wow.

Wow, weird. I guess I'm not friends with anyone that entitled.

I am honestly shocked that people believe this. That' crazy.

It probably can't beat this beer:

I have a ton of family who would be offended if I curse or post stuff like this on Facebook, so I use the lists all the time - they always seem to work. But when it comes to things like celebrating DOMA yesterday, I leave it so everyone can see. Screw their judgement. :D

Make a list of people you wouldn't want to see it and set your settings so they can't.

I definitely, definitely do.

To Paula Deen:

the first one, about "lynching" of the Food Network, made me make this face. I stopped reading after that.

No phobias make sense. I'm afraid of swimming, for absolutely no reason except emotional ones - I almost drowned when I was 4, and people made fun of me for not being a good swimmer throughout my life. I get a similar reaction when I try to explain, so I don't try anymore. Sometime I'm going to try exposure therapy,